Low carb recipes

I'm new to weight loss. My doctor recommended low card diet. I need advice.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Ask your doctor.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I'm new to weight loss. My doctor recommended low card diet. I need advice.

    Did your doctor recommend low carb just to lose weight or do you have a specific medical condition which is affected by carbs? If a medical condition, ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian. If no medical condition, good news, low carb is not the only way to lose weight! Any way of eating that creates a calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight.

    I personally found reducing carbs from products made with flour and upping fruit, protein, and fiber to be helpful to keep me fuller and thus achieve a calorie deficit.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Atkins is an easy way to start. Dukan and Whole 30 are also lower carb.
  • I will take a cauliflower and pulverize it in a food processor with Laughing Cow cheese a little half and half, butter or Smart Balance and ground pepper and it comes out like creamy mashed potatoes. Sometimes I'll melt some shredded sharp cheddar on top too. It's delicious.
  • alienws1998
    alienws1998 Posts: 88 Member
    Google keto recipes, there's a ton of them out there from breads to pizza to desserts, all low carb. Quickest easiest first step is Suclarose, available in the baking aisle of your grocery store. Use it in place of sugar in every thing, coffee, tea, any recipe that calls for maple syrup, sugar, honey, etc. It's 0 carb and 0 calories.