Best Weight Loss Plan

erider0505 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I am looking to lose about 20 lbs. I have followed Atkins with really good success, I have also done calorie counting and more recently tried Keto.
What is the best way to go about just getting healthy? I want to improve my overall health, while shedding some weight with a plan that is easy to stick to for life, so I can stop all this back and forth with different diets.


  • erider0505
    erider0505 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you. All of your comments make so much sense. Everything in moderation. Kind of like the 80/20 rule. That is a way of eating that I can stick with.
  • averyquiring
    averyquiring Posts: 22 Member
    Include fruits or veggies into every meal! And try getting your proteins from things other than meat!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    The eat-what-you-like-within-your-calories-and-log-on-mfp plan. ;)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Ehhh. CICO, definitely, but it's not quite THAT simple if you want to look at health and feasibility. You could lose weight if you ate 500 calories' worth of butter every day and nothing else, but ... UGH. (And this is coming from someone who loves a slice of buttered toast with some tea!)

    Non-starchy vegetables are often low-calorie, so you can eat more of them without going over your calorie goal. I have read that fiber and/or protein may help you feel full as well.

    You don't have to cut out any foods entirely (unless you've suddenly developed a severe allergy, which is another issue!) but it can be helpful to think about what "satisfaction" means for you. If you have to choose, is it more important to avoid being hungry, or to eat your favorite high-calorie foods? Think about what priorities are best for you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    "Best" is relative...ultimately what is important is whatever is going to help you be the most consistent is going to be the best.

    Personally, I'm really down with eating a balanced and varied diet consisting largely of whole foods as a matter of general health and nutrition.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    For health Id say a balanced diet within your bodies calorie needs and regular exercises
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Too lose weight I ate same foods but in moderation. I also added regular exercise
    Too maintain weight loss. I eat in moderation and exercise on a regular basis
    Good luck