Ready to destress! :D

Hi everyone!
I'm Mochi from the Netherlands.

I'm here to get healthy again!

As I had a super stressful schoolyear at uni, I've developed a lot of unhealthy eating and sleeping habits. I'm always tired and after having had a stable weight for over half a decade it "decided" to just shoot up. Needless to say, I'm not very pleased with this.

While my summer holiday will not be 100% stress free (yay exams I have to redo and pass in order not to get kicked out XD), I wanted to use this summer to destress and to focus on my health. Getting a good dose of exercise (mostly walking due to knee/ankle problems); eating the right foods; getting rid of RSI and, most importantly, getting quality sleep. I really think most of my "problems" would improve if I slept better.

I'll be going on holiday in a few days (Malaysia and Singapore :D) and I think a change of environment will definitely help with developing good habits!

I really like how you can log all your data on MFP and the community seems awesome, so I think it will be a great motivator for me to keep going and to keep positive.
I'm also thinking about getting a fitbit, but before I do that, I'll head over to the "fitbit users" group for a few final questions. ;)

In any case, nice to meet you all! (^_^)/