Hi. I'm from Cambridge Ontario. Trying this out.

I train 4-5 mornings a week at the Gym. I've been at it a couple years now. Just looking to get fit and stay that way. Men in my family gain weight easily and Heart disease and diabetes is in the family as well. I'm 37; they say the closer you get to 40, the harder it is to stay fit. I'm diligent about my workouts but not my diet. I should say my "guy-et". I like food and I love beer. I also have a sweet tooth that I wish I could get rid of. I'm hoping this program will help keep me in check and really open my eyes to my food intake. I need a bit of direction here. I'm doing alright I think my muscle gain but I just can't shake that extra insulation up front hiding my 6 pack. I know it's in there somewhere :smile: Looking forward to reading tips and getting some advice to further my progress. Cheers!