Lose 15 pounds by my December graduation

Over the past 3 years of college I have gained around 20 pounds. I'm looking to lose 15 of that by my graduation in december. Looking for some friends who are in a similar situation and would like to keep each other accountable/motivated. Also, I have a tendency to binge eat, so if anyone has some tips on how to overcome that, that would be great!


  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Well depending on what day in December your graduation is, you have 10-13 weeks to reach your goal, so 15 lbs is very realistic :) awesome! I also have a tendency to binge as well and I find the best way PERSONALLY to avoid that is to discover the foods that trigger the binges and do my best to keep them out of the house or keep them in small portions.

    Its important for me to say that all food is fine in moderation, im not saying you can never have pizza again. Im just saying that it might make it easier in the beginning if there isnt an easily accessible supply of binge-able foods in your home lol. And these foods can be different for different people. Like some people can keep a bottle of ranch in the house without eating it on everything, but another person (me, im talking about me) might eat bottles full if its in my fridge. You have to find what helps you.

    If you need any help or advice don't be afraid to add me, I spend a lot of time on here.
  • Hiya, I'm actually in a similar situation. I'm 25 and hoping to loose around 14 pounds by December. Wanna be friends?
  • crystalw1213
    crystalw1213 Posts: 1 Member
    Im a Junior in college, looking to lose at least 15, possibly 30 depending on how my body will feel and look! I'm ready!
  • rlridgway2461
    rlridgway2461 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm also in college looking to lose 20lbs; my end goal is May though. I've done fairly well though I've only been on here a few weeks but I've already lost 5lbs so I'm way ahead of schedule so maybe I could be of some help. My main problem is with sugar; if I want to binge, I save up calories throughout the day and then don't feel bad about 3 or 4 slices of pizza. Make sure you log everything though. Feel free to add me!
  • jinxypinxy
    jinxypinxy Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in a similar boat - mid 20s and want to lose around 10 lbs. Feel free to add me! Good luck everyone!