Starting T25 in October, looking for buddies



  • priya_srinivasan23
    Today checked my weight. The scale didnt move . Feel sad :(
  • KnittingSoo
    KnittingSoo Posts: 42 Member
    Today checked my weight. The scale didnt move . Feel sad :(

    It's not all about that number -- so don't lose heart. Just keep eating within your calorie targets and working out regularly and you'll reach your goal. Unfortunately we aren't always rewarded as quickly as we'd like!

    Just finished day 1 of T25. Modified some bits but worked up a sweat and feel great. :)
  • alx790
    alx790 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm currently in week one of alpha (starting t25 for the second time - I worked through it last year) but I am struggling with work / life balance so would love to join this group!
  • holderh1
    holderh1 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm also going to start up again. However, my feet stay terribly sore while doing the workout, to the point that they feel bruised. I am careful with my landing and I'm trying to do it just as they do on the video. I'm landing on my toes. I have brand new asic shoes, which help, but not completely. I'm flat footed. Any tips?
  • KnittingSoo
    KnittingSoo Posts: 42 Member
    WooHoo - week 1 of Alpha complete. I am surprised by how much I really enjoy the workouts. The 25 minutes fly by. I modify a bit but work up a good sweat and push as hard as I can. Tomorrow is 'Stretch' but I think I'll replace it with one of my regular yoga videos instead.

    Holderh1 - no advice for your sore feet I'm afraid. The only time I had that feeling of bruised feet it was the beginning of plantar fasciitis -- hope that isn't the case for you. But it might help to do some of the exercises recommended for PF (like rolling a frozen water bottle under your feet) to help anyway.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • clur_85
    clur_85 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey hey! I've had T25 for a couple of years and it's my fave 'reset' programme when trying to get back into fitness. I've started again this morning, anyone feel free to add me!
    Holderh1 I get the same problem for the first couple of workouts but it seems to go after a few days, stick with it and modify when needed!
  • redpath15
    redpath15 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, T25 newbie here planning on starting tonight, wish me luck! Feel free to add so we can support each other :)
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Wondering how you guys are doing on T25. In the first week I hard time with Cardio but then later on Total body circuit has been the one that gets me. What has been your favoruite or less fav workouts in the Alpha phase.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    @redpath15 Good Luck.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    @holderh1 I currently do my workouts without shoes and I noticy some of the issues coz of jumping. But with time, it got better. Hope it is going well with you