Weird food behaviors...

Just throwing this out there to see if anyone else has similar behaviors or issues around food. I feel like my life and free time is all about food sometimes. I love looking at recipes on Pinterest and watching those cooking videos on Facebook. I read food blogs and watch Food Network a good bit. Not only that but I love to cook and I'll make a ton of food that doesn't fit into my eating plan and not eat any of it. I'll take it to work or a friend's house and they'll eat it. Anyone else do this?
This morning I went grocery shopping for the week and as I was pulling out, I saw a Krispy Kreme across the street. We just moved to a new city and in our old city, there weren't many of those around. My husband and sons like them a lot but don't get them often so I went and got a dozen. As I'm driving away, I'm asking myself why I did that. I won't eat any and we have plenty of breakfast foods at the house. No one requested them and no one needs those doughnuts. Why did I go buy freakin 12 of those things knowing I won't touch them myself? I'm not a big sweets person so while I think they are good, they aren't a temptation to me like a pizza or salty snacks would be. I don't know why I feel the need to be around food and feed other people.
I'm trying to read up on intuitive eating and focusing more on my body signals and hunger than a set meal plan or diet but just wondering if anyone else has strange food behaviors like I do. Thanks!


  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I was with you until you got to the part of making or buying food that you do not eat that others have not requested. I don't do that. There are not many foods I do not eat though and I am pretty frugal so plan food purchases carefully. I do like feeding people though. I don't think that is a weird desire.
    Maybe you could channel your desire to feed others to feeding people without food or working in a food service job. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    Exactly. Perhaps this is your passion! Learn to be a chef, or personal chef. Sounds like fun.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited September 2016
    I don't think it's all that out of the ordinary.
    I love to cook, too..I collect recipe books and spend a lot of time browsing Pinterest. When I had cable, I would watch Food Network almost exclusively, outside of baseball season. I also enjoy cooking for others, because I find if I make or buy a lot of things for myself, half of it goes uneaten because I can't finish it all and have too many other things to eat. I make brownies, and throw half of them away by the end of the week. Same with lots of other recipes, now that my freezer space is low. I also have a pretty extensive pantry because I love to buy food.
    For me, preparing food and/or buying food for someone is an act of love, and I feel good about doing so. Certainly nothing wrong with wanting to feed's like a nurturing thing, I guess. At least, it is for me. Perhaps the constant buying of food is a bit of a compulsive buying thing? I can relate to that as well...if I find foods that I'm not able to get very often, I tend to overbuy sometimes. If its okay to ask, is food the only thing you do this with? If that's something you like to do, perhaps you could consider donating it to food pantries so it doesn't go to waste.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I love all things food and pin like crazy on pinterest, but I don't prepare meals I'm not going to eat.

    I also find that most things I prepare from scratch are pretty healthy...exceptions here and there, but I just treat myself those times...but for the most part, things are pretty healthy when cooked from scratch.
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    Yeah maybe you shouldn't get Krispy Kreme donuts... Idk