Knee replacement and continuing weight loss ortho is talking knee replacement. I have lost 62 lbs since Easter of this year. I have some this with big calorie deficit and lots of water aerobics. My working out had decreased highly because of the pain. My weight loss has already stalled. How am I going to continue my journey and keep on losing with having to have this surgery. Anyone go thru this? What are your suggestions and experiences please. Stats are 5'3" 219lbs. Started out at 282


  • HeyJude007
    HeyJude007 Posts: 69 Member
    keep going! I Am at the beginning of this journey, My knees are crap, hurts so bad, I wanted to do the stomach bipass, but can't because I have Parkinson's... went through depression. and thought hard. I am a food addict and I have to eat healthier, or it won't be just my knees. 62 lbs is a big hurrah! stop looking at the scale and focus on your daily habits. I love the pool. I found a fitness site for obese, that use the fitness ball. On You tube. I started at around the same weight as you.... And I am 30 days in. Easter is to that long ago, a year is not that far away. Think of it as planning.... I am planning my knee surgery.... Like planning a wedding. Instead we are researching trying to learn a new life style. Charting our days, and yes, we will lose weight.
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks Judy..i also do my exercise in the's just kinda overwhelming..but you are right perseverance pays off!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    My friend is going through the same thing. I tell her to just not slip up on her weight program and exercise as best she can. Don't let this overwhelm you. Just stay the course and stay focused. You can continue to do this!!
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you for your encouagement!
  • HeyJude007
    HeyJude007 Posts: 69 Member
    Over whelming is right. Somedays I am just lost. Darn right scary. That's why I have to stay away from that scale and stay focused on the bigger picture, and the steps we take every day, that we want to see change. But wow 62 lbs. That's change. The weight will come off. It just takes time. And your way ahead of me, you'll look back at this and it will seem small...
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    It is scary..and yea..getting steps in that's a real struggle! I've had my Garmin since July and I've NEVER gotten 10,000 steps in...most I've got is 8thousand and lately I'm not even making 6k..usually under that. I worry...when I syltarted out I had 152 to lose. .now I've got around 90 to lose...One Day At a Time we will get this done!
  • junkdrawer2008
    junkdrawer2008 Posts: 2 Member
    If you are worried about trying to stay active with your knee pain or with post surgery recovery, you could look into seated workouts. They would be able to focus on moving your upper body and let your knee heal. I haven't done knee replacement but did have to deal with surgery after an injury a few years ago. I've also done just the upper body portions of things like kickboxing and not worried about all the leg moves.
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    Good idea junkdrawer2008...that's exactly what I'm worried about
  • KristinHR01
    KristinHR01 Posts: 51 Member
    Keep eating at a deficit. You've only been working at it since April? Do not over eat and by April 2017 you will be down even more weight, even if you don't exercise.

    How many calories are you eating a day now?
  • Chinatot054
    Chinatot054 Posts: 12 Member
    Theresa, I had both my knees replaced in 2014, 90 days apart. I'm not going to lie to you, it was very painful, but not as painful as it was before I had them done. The pain was so aweful before, I could not walk to the bathroom which was 5 feet away from me. I was stuck in the house for years before I had them done. I was so afraid I would end up in a wheelchair and helpless to myself, dependent on others for my care. I know it's scary but it was the best thing I ever did for myself. Research your doctor before you get it done, make sure the doctor has lots of experience in knee replacement. Ask around and make sure. Also you want to go to a rehab for at least 2 weeks after surgery, because going straight home after is not the best thing. You want to get physical therapy started 3 days after surgery.
    I go every where now. My daughter is so happy now, because we can go store shopping, and do everything now that I could not do before.
    You can add me if you like.
  • Godsgirl42
    Godsgirl42 Posts: 3,490 Member
    I had a knee replacement. I was so bad I was in a power chair and couldn't take but 5 to 10 steps. I wasn't exercising at all. I got the knee done and went through pt. They had to teach me how to walk correctly again. I began walking for exercise after I healed. I lost weight. Then I got plantar fasciitis with bone spurs and can't walk for exercise anymore. Now I ride a recumbent bike and do water aerobics. You can do this!!!!
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    I eat 1490 cals a day..I am 5'3" and 221..I was able to still exercise just not as much..but as of today I'm in an immobilizer and I'm really bad pain...knew is currently elevated over heart with ice...ugh..appointment is Friday for the ortho.
  • KristinHR01
    KristinHR01 Posts: 51 Member
    I eat 1490 cals a day..I am 5'3" and 221..I was able to still exercise just not as much..but as of today I'm in an immobilizer and I'm really bad pain...knew is currently elevated over heart with ice...ugh..appointment is Friday for the ortho.

    So sorry. I hope you get some pain relief soon. Injuries and pain suck.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    ok chair workout for you. Get a small set of handweights-or some cans from your cupboard. You can do this! keep this up until you are allowed back in the pool!
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you all for,the support it really means a lot to me
  • joseccastaneda
    joseccastaneda Posts: 267 Member
    You can still lose weight with little or no exercise. Two years ago I checked in with my doctor because of hip pain. It turns out that i need a hip replacement. Last year i went back for a check up and it now turns out that both hips are shot. Most days i can barely walk and most days i only get in about 2K steps. I was told i need a hip replacement but that it won't happen until i'm older and when i lose more weight. I've lost a total of 120 pounds to date by mostly staying in a caloric deficit. I'll exercise every so often when my hips bother me less, but that tends not to be frequent.
  • theresakruse48
    theresakruse48 Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement
  • aWildFlowere
    aWildFlowere Posts: 76 Member
    I think I will know by Friday who is going to do my TKR this fall. Pre & post surgery you should be able to do seated exercise...heck I am pre-hab'ing and I lift upper body hard 3x week with free weights, the smith machine (no spotter required), cables & bands. I believe after TKR once you can stand for 5-15 minutes I should be able to resume my upper body workouts as they contain a combo of positions, incline/decline/flat benches, seats and of course standing. PT should be able to give you an aggressive program. I might supplement PT with a personal trainer to modify some of my existing weight training and mat work or have them work together.

    BTW: I just had 360 degree lumbar back fusion 3.5 months ago and now I'm going for this TKR. You gotta want recovery bad and do everything you can every day...only excuse to skip all or some of your workouts or PT on bad days is pain. So what if your knee hurts...if you can sit on your butt work your arms at least. PT will explain to you what to expect for normal pain in rehab as you have to push your knee to get your range of motion back. I"ve been thru knee surgery rehab 4x including a total reconstruction and have had to tear out my scar tissue to get back to playing competitive sports back in HS. Goodness knows I don't look forward to concurrent rehabnow btwn my back and my knee but my lumbar fusion won't heal without weight bearing walking so my knee has to be done asap. I could let this news get me down but I am focused on a future with less pain and added mobility. Yes I say "less pain" as a realist. I am determined to get back to ballroom dancing, downhill skiing etc and I am not going to let anything get in my way. Right now I prehab including stretching and hot tub time a total of 2-4hrs a day. I want my life back by next year!