Lost a lot of pounds, but then lost motivation.



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    IDK...I focus more on health and wellness and those things are important to me. Also, for the most part I enjoy eating well...I love to cook and when you are a good cook it's pretty easy to eat healthy and delicious...I also really enjoy cycling...I don't always feel like going for a ride, but for the most part I really enjoy it so it's really not much of a chore 95% of the time so I don't usually need to get up some kind of motivation to do it...it's basically a hobby and I love it. That other 5% of the time, I just suck it up and put in the work...I'm usually signed up for various cycling events and whatnot so keeping up with my training is important, even on days when I'd rather not.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    Goals are best accomplished with intrinsic motivation- when you're doing it for internal rewards, such as having more energy, getting better sleep, being more physically comfortable, etc. Research suggests that most people do not stick with goals if they're doing it for an external reward, such as winning a bet, rewarding oneself with a prize, and the like. You have to figure out why you want to lose the weight. How will you feel after you've lost it? How will your health improve and in what ways will you notice it?

    Also, what works for me is to enjoy what I'm doing. I see weight loss as a challenge, and I love a challenge and also strongly value my own health. Weight loss doesn't have to be miserable. I still eat the foods I want (in moderate portions) and I'm active, doing workouts that I enjoy. Sometimes I don't feel like running, so I get my exercise by dancing around the house. Or riding my bike. Or anything! I only keep exercising because I enjoy doing it, so it doesn't require motivation.... it's just part of my life :)

    Hope that helped!
  • CrabbyCancerMama
    CrabbyCancerMama Posts: 95 Member
    I exercise and take care of myself out of habit now. But I do it for my family and myself. I want to be fit to enjoy life and be active and present for my kids and husband. my greatest fear is dying from a heart attack. for me the hardest part was actually getting off my butt and going to the gym. once there is make the most of my time. so I know now I just need to do it and I'll feel better. I go in the morning and it sets me up for the day. Hope you get your MOJO back soon.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Your motivation should be remembering how you felt 100lbs heavier and what it took to lose it. You don't ever want to go back there and start again, right?
  • AnarchistKitchen
    AnarchistKitchen Posts: 139 Member
    There's a lady who wrote the books Better Than Before & The Happiness Project. She talks about the 4 personality types when it comes to expectations. You sound like a "obliger" according to her grouping. Obligers NEED outside accountability in order to follow through. Instead of trying to create this internal expectation just honor the way you're wired. Find a group or outside accountability and you should be more in your zone.

    I'm an upholder. I'm self directed but can also take direction from a leader. (Rare group)

    Questioners can't take orders. They only will do what others want when it fits in with their internal expectations. They do what makes sense to them. Not putter expectations.

    Rebels resist outer & inner expectations which sounds complicated when it comes to tackling long term goals.

    Rebels & upholders are the extremes. I plan to read Better than Before from the library since it's a book about building habits. I took the short cut and just listened to her 4 podcasts on each personality type. Good stuff!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Maybe not being around other people like you used to be is the difference. I know I'm more motivated to look my best when I know I'm going to be out and seen. Maybe get another job.. or get involved in something to get out of the house.
  • peterbuller8
    peterbuller8 Posts: 155 Member
    My motivation is being able to eat and drink what i like when i like .
    I have lost 35+lb's in the last 8 months and know if i want to go out for a big meal with friends or family then i need to put the time in at the gym before to allow for that.
    Not the clean healthy lifestyle most people on MFP are after but it works for me i see my mates all doing the same as me but without the exercise complaining about middle age spread and being unfit while i am still losing weight.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    In all honesty a lot of motivation for me is pure vanity. I want to look a certain way and will do whatever to achieve it. Nothing wrong with being selfish to improve yourself.