Hello from Edinburgh!

Ok so I've done this all before. A few years ago I managed to lose over 60lbs and was exercising regularly. I felt great, I looked great and then it all went downhill. I'm not quite sure what started it but I'm sitting here now and I've put the weight back on, I've become sore and unfit again and I'm just unhappy with myself.
My size doesn't actually bother me all that much, it's the feeling unhealthy. I'm sick of feeling like absolute crap and I know from previous experience that exercise does help with that. There's a free gym across the road from my flat and after living here for about 8 months, I've finally stopped making excuses and started going. It's terrifying (last time round it was more outdoor exercise, C25K through the forests etc), I've never done the gym thing before and I know absolutely nothing!
Eating is a major downfall for me if I'm honest, I could honestly sit and eat all day (crisps are my biggest vice!) so I'm trying to retrain my brain to think of food as fuel and not something that's there for when I'm bored. I'm not the most confident cook but even if I could learn some basic recipes it's a good starting stone.

I am based in Edinburgh, Scotland and would love to have some friends on here for motivation, tips and I'll be honest, I love noseying at people's diaries, it gives me inspiration!


  • DonnyEst90
    DonnyEst90 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm from Derbyshire, UK :) I'm on a mission to get fit and healthy too, had a little break from logging over the last month but now getting back on track. Will add you!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi :)

    You lost a fantastic amount before - 60lbs is truly inspiring and you should be proud of yourself for that. Okay, you gained it back? You know how to do this. I promise you the gym isn't anything to fear - when I first started out, I was hugely intimidated by the whole gym scene and I knew nothing about anything. I spoke to a few members of staff who asked me my goal and helped me identify what equipment/work-out's would suit me best. There are always personal trainers on hand to help out too if you are confused. Gym's are actually a really great place to learn.

    I too could sit and eat an entire bag of crisps but I've taught myself (and it took a loooooong time but it IS possible) how to eat mindfully. I learn to listen to my stomach and I eat filling foods regularly throughout the day so I don't feel the need to grab the crisps or the chocolate.

    Lastly, MFP is an amazing tool for staying on track. There is so much support here. You can do this.