Isogenics, Thrive, Shakology,ETC



  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited September 2016
    The ingredients speak for themselves and I personally feel better compared to the days I don't drink it. I personally have noticed a decrease in how much my face breaks out because I'm putting good ingredients into my body rather than trying to grab a donut quickly before work and I did actually lose about 10 pounds drinking it in combination with the workouts. Others may feel differently and that's perfectly fine.

    You don't need to grab a doughnut for breakfast though. There are plenty of alternatives a person can do. A few healthy, delicious and filling examples:

    overnight oats
    protein shake and some hardboiled eggs
    sunny-side up egg on a piece of toast (maybe some avocado too!)
    quinoa bowls (savory: egg, arugula) or (sweet: honey, freshly cut bananas and strawberries, a sprinkle of cinnamon)
    egg bakes (toss anything and everything you want! example: chicken sausage, broccoli, roasted red peppers, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, and a combo of whole eggs and egg whites)
    whole wheat pancakes
    whole wheat waffles
    sweet potato hash with chicken sausage

    I've been eating foods like these for breakfast since I started back up on MFP and I've seen a great change in my skin too. I think a person's skin will clear up when they change their diet, but each person is different.

    Also, I thought about doing just the BeachBody workouts, but I was told I couldn't do JUST the workouts, and that I needed to buy everything for that one month. I'll take my free workouts from and Youtube.
  • rsnodgrass1128
    rsnodgrass1128 Posts: 16 Member
    The ingredients speak for themselves and I personally feel better compared to the days I don't drink it. I personally have noticed a decrease in how much my face breaks out because I'm putting good ingredients into my body rather than trying to grab a donut quickly before work and I did actually lose about 10 pounds drinking it in combination with the workouts. Others may feel differently and that's perfectly fine.

    You don't need to grab a doughnut for breakfast though. There are plenty of alternatives a person can do. A few healthy, delicious and filling examples:

    overnight oats
    protein shake and some hardboiled eggs
    sunny-side up egg on a piece of toast (maybe some avocado too!)
    quinoa bowls (savory: egg, arugula) or (sweet: honey, freshly cut bananas and strawberries, a sprinkle of cinnamon)
    egg bakes (toss anything and everything you want! example: chicken sausage, broccoli, roasted red peppers, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, and a combo of whole eggs and egg whites)
    whole wheat pancakes
    whole wheat waffles
    sweet potato hash with chicken sausage

    I've been eating foods like these for breakfast since I started back up on MFP and I've seen a great change in my skin too. I think a person's skin will clear up when they change their diet, but each person is different.

    Thank you. I appreciate the suggestions. I was just giving an example for a day I might be in a rush or wasn't able to prep something the night before. I love the egg bakes.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Ok so a good friend of mine is a beach body coach and I finally looked into shakeology because she insists it has made all the difference for her.

    I compared the nutrition info to my regular protein shake and it doesn't stack up at all. There isn't as much protein, there isn't even as much fiber. It offered no meaningful benefits to me that I couldn't get from a well balanced meal or from my post workout protein shake. And there aren't enough calories for it to be a meal replacement and not leave me starving within an hour.

    So for the $130 months supply, I was looking at 5 snacks a week for that price. I don't normally spend $24/week on my snacks. I'm not sure I spend that much per MONTH on my snacks.

    Idk how "unbiased" that opinion is but it just doesn't seem like a good investment.
  • philippakate197
    philippakate197 Posts: 125 Member
    It sounds like you know what you need to do, if you've been on mfp a while, but you're struggling to actually do it.

    I have also battled with my weight my whole adult life, tried every fad going, but it wasn't until I started having therapy (I'm training as a psychotherapist myself) that I got my head straight and was actually able to lose the weight.

    If you can afford the shakes you'd be better off putting the money into a good therapist and working out the reasons why you've not been successful so far.

    I'm now 75lb down and look better at 35 than I did at 20!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    The ingredients speak for themselves and I personally feel better compared to the days I don't drink it. I personally have noticed a decrease in how much my face breaks out because I'm putting good ingredients into my body rather than trying to grab a donut quickly before work and I did actually lose about 10 pounds drinking it in combination with the workouts. Others may feel differently and that's perfectly fine.

    You don't need to grab a doughnut for breakfast though. There are plenty of alternatives a person can do. A few healthy, delicious and filling examples:

    overnight oats
    protein shake and some hardboiled eggs
    sunny-side up egg on a piece of toast (maybe some avocado too!)
    quinoa bowls (savory: egg, arugula) or (sweet: honey, freshly cut bananas and strawberries, a sprinkle of cinnamon)
    egg bakes (toss anything and everything you want! example: chicken sausage, broccoli, roasted red peppers, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, and a combo of whole eggs and egg whites)
    whole wheat pancakes
    whole wheat waffles
    sweet potato hash with chicken sausage

    I've been eating foods like these for breakfast since I started back up on MFP and I've seen a great change in my skin too. I think a person's skin will clear up when they change their diet, but each person is different.

    Thank you. I appreciate the suggestions. I was just giving an example for a day I might be in a rush or wasn't able to prep something the night before. I love the egg bakes.

    I think the point is, if the best thing you can say about an overpriced shake is that "well, it's a better breakfast than a donut," that says everything anyone needs to know.

    If I'm in a rush I grab my coffee and go.... Then again I don't eat breakfast to begin with (not hungry in the morning and don't want to waste calories at a time of day when I'm happily fasting). But for the brekkie eaters out there - there are loads of grab and go options that can fit into whatever goals you have. And if you do opt for a meal replacement shake, there are plenty to choose from that are as good (or better) in quality, and much easier on your wallet.
  • Anvil_Head
    Anvil_Head Posts: 251 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Selling MLM products does not make a person a coach. This terminology is extremely deceptive IMHO...

    Agree 100%, and that's one of my biggest beefs with Beachbody/Snakeoilogy. All it takes to become a "coach" is to send them your $39.99 membership fee and voila, you're a "coach". No knowledge, experience or training needed (it even explicitly says that in their "coach FAQ"). Calling them "coaches" adds a false air of credibility to what is actually just a snake oil peddler. They're not qualified to train or coach anybody - all they're trained to do is sell overpriced shakes (and spam the hell out of all their families, friends and social media accounts, annoying everybody in the process).

    Straight from the Beachbody "Coach" FAQ:
    What is the Coach Business Opportunity?

    It's a breakthrough income opportunity that lets you turn weight loss into profit. In order to make money, all you have to do is let people know about getting fit and losing weight with Beachbody’s best-selling line of products. You succeed by helping others succeed!

    What does it cost to begin?

    It only costs $39.99 to start a Beachbody business. That includes your first month’s Business Services Fees and your Coach Business Kit, which comes with everything you need to begin earning income.

    Do I need to be a fitness expert?

    No, you don’t need to be a fitness or weight-loss expert to become a Beachbody Coach. You just need to be ready to commit to changing your life.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    All of the MLM products are overpriced junk for the most part. You will be far better served by staying far, far away for numerous reasons. Most are peddled by people who know diddly about nutrition and have 0 issues selling a crappy product at "exotic" prices to people they claim to care about. Does not compute for me.
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 846 Member
    Losing weight comes down to eating fewer calories.
    It really shouldn't cost you an additional $130 each month to eat fewer calories.
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    You don't need to grab a doughnut for breakfast though. There are plenty of alternatives a person can do. A few healthy, delicious and filling examples:

    overnight oats
    protein shake and some hardboiled eggs
    sunny-side up egg on a piece of toast (maybe some avocado too!)
    quinoa bowls (savory: egg, arugula) or (sweet: honey, freshly cut bananas and strawberries, a sprinkle of cinnamon)
    egg bakes (toss anything and everything you want! example: chicken sausage, broccoli, roasted red peppers, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, and a combo of whole eggs and egg whites)
    whole wheat pancakes
    whole wheat waffles
    sweet potato hash with chicken sausage

    I've been eating foods like these for breakfast since I started back up on MFP and I've seen a great change in my skin too. I think a person's skin will clear up when they change their diet, but each person is different.
    Great post and breakfast ideas.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    The ingredients speak for themselves and I personally feel better compared to the days I don't drink it. I personally have noticed a decrease in how much my face breaks out because I'm putting good ingredients into my body rather than trying to grab a donut quickly before work and I did actually lose about 10 pounds drinking it in combination with the workouts. Others may feel differently and that's perfectly fine.

    You don't need to grab a doughnut for breakfast though. There are plenty of alternatives a person can do. A few healthy, delicious and filling examples:

    overnight oats
    protein shake and some hardboiled eggs
    sunny-side up egg on a piece of toast (maybe some avocado too!)
    quinoa bowls (savory: egg, arugula) or (sweet: honey, freshly cut bananas and strawberries, a sprinkle of cinnamon)
    egg bakes (toss anything and everything you want! example: chicken sausage, broccoli, roasted red peppers, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, and a combo of whole eggs and egg whites)
    whole wheat pancakes
    whole wheat waffles
    sweet potato hash with chicken sausage

    I've been eating foods like these for breakfast since I started back up on MFP and I've seen a great change in my skin too. I think a person's skin will clear up when they change their diet, but each person is different.

    Thank you. I appreciate the suggestions. I was just giving an example for a day I might be in a rush or wasn't able to prep something the night before. I love the egg bakes.

    I think the point is, if the best thing you can say about an overpriced shake is that "well, it's a better breakfast than a donut," that says everything anyone needs to know.

    If I'm in a rush I grab my coffee and go.... Then again I don't eat breakfast to begin with (not hungry in the morning and don't want to waste calories at a time of day when I'm happily fasting). But for the brekkie eaters out there - there are loads of grab and go options that can fit into whatever goals you have. And if you do opt for a meal replacement shake, there are plenty to choose from that are as good (or better) in quality, and much easier on your wallet.

    I pre-pack a portion of Special K's protein cereal and call it a day. It's 10g of protein & 120 calories for 1 serving. It keeps me full until about 12:30pm and then I grab my afternoon snack.
  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    I heard they are a healthy alternative for meal supplements and helps with weight loss and gaining. I believe it is isagenex.
  • karafindsfit35
    karafindsfit35 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a friend who uses Isagenix. She has lost 106 pounds in the last year and a half. She also spent $500+ a month to do so. I'd rather have a roof over my head, take vacations, etc., than spend my money on a magic potion. Another friend of mine tried out the program just to humor her since that's all she ever talks about anymore--after 2 days she was sick as a dog from the shakes and the "flush" pills that go along with it. As others have said, you're much better off using MFP for free.
  • mommamia30189
    mommamia30189 Posts: 82 Member
    makingmark wrote: »
    The funny thing is most of the people in my facebook feed I see shilling this stuff have looked the same for a year and really don't look that fit or slim. The horror stories I have heard on here about how they steal other's success stories to sell their products makes me want to warn you to stay far away.

    This is so true because i have a very good friend that moved to another state that is ALWAYS pushing isagenix. She keeps saying how she has transformed herself but the ONLY pics she posts are of her face. You can never see her body so who knows. I think its a scam.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    I have nothing to add - I just hope the OP appreciates all (most) of these awesome comments and suggestions to get her started.!!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    amyepdx wrote: »
    I have nothing to add - I just hope the OP appreciates all (most) of these awesome comments and suggestions to get her started.!!

    I hope so too!

    Sometimes people come in asking for stories from others "who've used the products" and get upset when the majority of replies tell them not to bother... the people asking will say those opinions aren't valid if they haven't actually used that particular product. You don't necessarily need to have used a product personally to have a valid opinion on it, and many people who have used them will gush over how amazing they are because they either need to believe in it themselves (having spent so much on it!) or they hope to add to their customer base. So their opinions aren't any more valid than the others, as I see it.

    The OP here sounds like she's genuinely interested in other people's viewpoints, so I hope she finds these replies helpful and realises that she doesn't 'need' any of those products in order to achieve her goals. :)
  • Anvil_Head
    Anvil_Head Posts: 251 Member
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    amyepdx wrote: »
    I have nothing to add - I just hope the OP appreciates all (most) of these awesome comments and suggestions to get her started.!!

    I hope so too!

    Sometimes people come in asking for stories from others "who've used the products" and get upset when the majority of replies tell them not to bother... the people asking will say those opinions aren't valid if they haven't actually used that particular product. You don't necessarily need to have used a product personally to have a valid opinion on it, and many people who have used them will gush over how amazing they are because they either need to believe in it themselves (having spent so much on it!) or they hope to add to their customer base. So their opinions aren't any more valid than the others, as I see it.

    The OP here sounds like she's genuinely interested in other people's viewpoints, so I hope she finds these replies helpful and realises that she doesn't 'need' any of those products in order to achieve her goals. :)

    Not to mention the fact that any thread about MLM scams usually draws several responses from new users with 1 or 2 posts who "just happened to stumble across this thread" and proceed to tout how totally AWESOME the product in question is. In other words, distributors/"coaches" looking to make sales.