Wanted: More Support Ladies (PCOS, TTC, MET, Christian)

ADD ME :smile: I'm looking for more supportive friends with like goals in mind! I :heart: the group of ladies I currently have but really need more with common goals.

Dx with PCOS over 3 years ago. Started MFP and exercising Spring/Summer 2011. Dropped from 262 lbs down to 197 lbs. Returned to work this past Winter only to gain back some weight.
I will be married 3 years in September to a wonderful Christian man. We have both decided after prayer to begin to change up our life styles to be baby ready. Three months of cleaner eating and healthier habits!
After our 3 year anniversary, we will begin TTC for baby #1. I would like to drop 20 - 30 more pounds before and during TTC. In preparation, I take 1000 mg Metformin, Vitafusion prenatals and Vitafusion fiber/calcium, 27 mg iron, try to limit processed food (modified Paleo), drink only water & exercise!