Newbie! Friends and fellow motivators are welcome!

Hi! I'm Bex! I'm new (obviously). Based on the West Coast, USA and currently my goals are to lose 15lbs and gain a lot more strength. My deciding factor was vanity and cheapness first: I no longer fit into my favorite pants. Secondly, I have noticed a lot less energy lately and the pounds have crept up on me. Time for a lifestyle change!

I am hoping to debut a new me for a new decade by my birthday in December! The big 3-0!

New friends far and wide are welcome! :)



  • jadorade91
    jadorade91 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey Bex! I'm also on the west coast, and I'm trying to lose a little over 20 pounds! I added you. Love motivating and being motivated!
  • BexTheSquirrel
    BexTheSquirrel Posts: 37 Member
    Woo! I'm excited to get this show on the road! :) Thanks for the add!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Good luck Bex! You've got this! :)