xanjelicax Posts: 9 Member
edited September 2016 in Food and Nutrition
hey everyone

So I've recently gone off eating red meat. Can anyone suggest any simple, easy chicken and fish meal plans to assist with weight loss?

I am currently doing cardio 5x a week. Also have 2 protein shakes a day. 1 as soon as I wake up and another straight after workout.

MFP also has me at 1200 cal/day. I sometimes struggle to meet this but always over with protein

Any input or advice would be appreciated


  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    I bake 5 marinated chicken breasts on sunday and eat them for lunch with some legumes (lately it has been lentils). buy the mccormick marinades, but don't use oil, just water. Is delish! Dinner is either chicken (preferable dark meat) or pork, and it depends on the recipe. Fish on weekends.
  • xanjelicax
    xanjelicax Posts: 9 Member
    Do you eat all 5 chicken breast on the 1 day for lunch or through out the week?
  • xanjelicax
    xanjelicax Posts: 9 Member
    That sounded like a stupid question. Sorry :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited September 2016
    xanjelicax wrote: »
    I've recently gone off eating red meat. Can anyone suggest any simple, easy chicken and fish meal plans to assist with weight loss?
    No foods assist with weight loss - as in "you can eat more and lose faster". You lose weight by having a sustained calorie deficit. Some foods can make you feel more full, and thus make it easier to stick to the calorie deficit, but what those foods are, is individual. Make sure your decision to not eat red meat is soundly founded - either that you don't like it, or that your religion forbids it, ot that you give it up for ethical concerns. Cutting out red meat for health is a bad decision. Red meat is an easy way to get protein and iron, and it tastes delicious if you like it.

    You can and should make your own meal plan based on your own needs and preferences.

    I am currently doing cardio 5x a week. Also have 2 protein shakes a day. 1 as soon as I wake up and another straight after workout.
    MFP also has me at 1200 cal/day.
    You set calories yourself, indirectly - by telling MFP how fast you want to lose. 1200 calories is the lowest MFP will give you.

    I sometimes struggle to meet this but always over with protein
    Do you struggle to not go over, or not go under? Make sure you are logging correctly before you draw any conclusions. If you are getting more protein than you find necessary, couldn't you reduce the number of protein shakes?
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    If you're over protein, forgo one of your protein shakes (probably the one in the morning). Or, just leave the protein powder out of your morning shake. You probably only need one protein shake/day (if that) if you're only doing cardio and not heavy lifting.
  • xanjelicax
    xanjelicax Posts: 9 Member
    Cool thanks for the advice.