hard to eat all my calories

I'm finding it hard to eat all my calories after I add in my work out burned calories. I get full and after dinner I usually have all my work out calories still left. Also, I almost always go over in protein intake and I'm wondering how bad this is. Today I was over by 70! I eat alot of processed vegetarian simulated meats because they're low in fat, and generally healthy foods, even though I'm not vegetarian. Any pointers anyone?


  • squishalish
    squishalish Posts: 3 Member
    I'm finding it hard to eat all my calories after I add in my work out burned calories. I get full and after dinner I usually have all my work out calories still left. Also, I almost always go over in protein intake and I'm wondering how bad this is. Today I was over by 70! I eat alot of processed vegetarian simulated meats because they're low in fat, and generally healthy foods, even though I'm not vegetarian. Any pointers anyone?
  • megamoo
    megamoo Posts: 8
    want some of mine haha..I never have this problem but i wish .. good luck
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm having the same problem, especially today. I NEVER thought I'd be having this problem! :tongue: But calorieperhour.com told me the work I did this morning burned like 1300 calories (I had to haul wet woodchips around my horses' dry paddock... trying to soak up the mud) and I'm still 700 cal. under today. But I can't eat any more tonight. I am done!
    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I know exactly wat u mean..
    i have like 400 cals left over today!
    and especially about the protein.. i am havin the SAME problem..
    i dont think that being over on protein is that bad... as long as it isnt over by much on a daily basis.. i think the protein allowance on here is too low.. i manually upped my allowance
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Like I was told by so many on here, if you aint hungry don't eat....
    Work out calories are great, but don't push your self to use them up.
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    there are many posts on this so search them. Add caloire dense foods as snacks such as a handful of almonds or peanut butter with an apple or banana. Also, the protein is set at only 15% on this site which is quite low so a lot of people including me have increased their protein. Anywhere between 10-35% of calories from protein is ok. I moved mne up to 20% and if I need to then i'll up it to 25%. Just go to change goals and custom settings.
