I'm ready!

I've always been a little on the bigger side, ever since I was a little kid. 3 years ago, I studied abroad, totally stopped working out, went crazy with all the good food and drink. I came back to the states 30 lbs heavier. Last year, I really got into watching what I ate and working out a lot- I was doing all of this with a few friends which made it so much easier! After losing around 20 lbs and feeling amazing, I went on a trip, came back and got a bad flu. After that I lost all that built up motivation- excuses excuses I know.

I am REALLY ready to get back into a good eating and good workout routine again. I am almost 24, so I know it's only going to get harder the older I get. This is my time, I'm ready to get my life back on track! Please feel free to add me on here, I don't really have too many friends who use this and would love more people to help keep me motivated!