2 1/2 years out from RNY and having issues


I had gastric bypass in 2014 and I lost over 200 pounds really quickly so I've been "maintaining" for more than a year. So I'm up and down about 8 pounds all the time. Cause I eat cake haha. I go through carb spurts and I hate it. I gain weight, freak out, put myself on restrictive diet. Lose weight. It feels like a vicious cycle. I walk 5 miles at least five days a week. Actually when I start a "diet" again I will walk 8 miles trying to out exercise a bad diet and get the ball rolling. And I want to be less extreme about the exercise and more consistent with the food. And mentally I have days I freak out cause I can eat more food now. And then I have days I get full really fast. And I'm not creative about my diet. I eat a lot of the same stuff everyday. Lots of protein. My dr just said "that's the nature of a gastric bypass."
Yikes. So really does anyone else get like this. I feel very alone and I google and I don't find anything similar. I'm in therapy. I talk to my bariatric surgeon. But I feel like I just don't know the right way to be doing this now. Did my stomach stretch one day and shrink the next? And I know all carbs are slider foods for me, so on good days I weigh out my pretzels. That's the one purposeful carb I allow myself on good days. On bad days I eat so much carbs that the cravings take days for me to get over. Part of my problem is on some of the binge days I start out good but I don't feel satisfied after I eat. I won't feel the full feeling. My mind gets obsessed with wanting to eat something and I will watch the clock white knuckling it for three or four hours between meals the my FID kicks in. (*kitten* it disorder). Yes I'm in therapy working on this but is anyone out there going through something similar? I question how many calories I can eat. I question the amount of food I can eat. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • catweiler57
    catweiler57 Posts: 14 Member
    Does the hospital that you had your surgery at have a support group? I am still in the pre-op section and hope to have RnY in Dec/Jan. I go to Walter Reed NMMC and it is mandatory that we attend at least 5 support group meetings prior to surgery. We have an amazing support group and this issue is one that has come up recently with those who are more than a year out from surgery. Many members still attend the support group sessions after the surgery (I will go to as many as possible afterwards). So, no...you are not alone in this feeling. Please try to see if there are bariatric support groups in your area. Also, don't beat yourself up over this. Just start new in the morning. Remember why you had the surgery. I know I can't even taste the things that I would go crazy on....cake, ice cream, chocolate....I have no control once I start so I have to say no at the beginning. Keep strong.