after my baby I end up with 45lb

I need to loose 45lb to 50lb by Christmas need motivation I dont eat junk food nor sweet I just cant loos weight trying do hard Dr proscribed me phentermine 37.5 but scared to take pills


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    1. Ditch the pills. You don't need them. Scary? I've not heard good things.

    2. Don't eliminate foods you love from your diet. Instead learn to eat them in moderation. I allow myself a treat everyday.

    3. Ditch the time frame. Let's say you "only" lose 15 pounds by Christmas (much more realistic unless you are currently obese). If you "only" lose 15 pounds....are you a failure? No, 15 pounds is good progress.

    Losing weight is calories in vs. calories out. Eat a little bit less, and move a little bit more. Have patience. Put your stats in MFP. Choose 1 or 1.5 pounds per week (2 pounds per week is if you are more than 75 pounds overweight).

    Eat that many calories (measure & log EVERYTHING). Do some exercise (if you are able).....log that and eat 50% of those calories too.

    Good luck!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Wishing you the best of luck reaching your goals :)
    Having said that, Ease up on your deadline. You'll lose your desired weight but having such a strict time-line is going to put a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself. Slow and steady win's the race! You can do this!