Tell me how you meal plan!



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It does, rainbowbow! I too have a routine that would be very long to write out, but it's steps that starts out the next step and so on, really easy and intuitive for me. Most of the "prep" time is "hands-off", like soaking and defrosting. I just have to start the process.

    I have a way to go when it comes to contents of pantry, but I'm working on my attitude. I WANT to just have what I NEED, and I know that i can get anything almost anytime, and certain things are on sale at certain times. Being satisfied with ENOUGH has been a central part of weight management this time, and I want it to be a part of all aspects of my life.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    These days I don't plan much. Since eating keto, me and my dad eat 2 different meals. So I just buy something that fits that. Lol. Random things. A veg, a piece of meat. Whatever's on sale that day and looks good.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    I plan meals better during the colder months when I'm less active and worried about comfort foods. We basically eat the same dinner meals on rotation. I don't really follow the sale items I just know what we'll eat and get it. I do the overnight oats for breakfast and he does the frozen waffles and pb. I eat canned items for lunch and he is on his own (he gets more calories than me so I figure he is eating fast food). I like to make beef roast, chicken, or pork to last a few days and often switch it up with soup, or veggies, or bbq sauce. I get such a low calorie amount that I have to prep or at least think ahead. :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't plan much. I will think of what I feel like eating and buy things for that, get extra for leftovers, and just buy meat and veggies/frozen veggies when they are on sale.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't plan much. I will think of what I feel like eating and buy things for that, get extra for leftovers, and just buy meat and veggies/frozen veggies when they are on sale.

    That's planning in my book :D
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    I plan a couple of different ways. Most weekends I will make a giant batch of something like chilli, bolognase, green Thai curry etc, portion it out and freeze it for meals during the week. I have a basic chart for the week so I note down what we're thinking of having for each day. 2-3 meals each week are pre-prepped frozen ones. Friday is always steak night, and the others I fill in with whatever we have on hand. I always have meat and carbs in stock, but my local shop is only small and so fresh produce is seasonal, so we will adapt to whatever they have in stock. It's worked very well for me for a couple of years, I only have to "cook" a few times a week as the rest of the time it's a microwave job.

    I should point out that I always have porridge for breakfast, and either salad or roasted veggies for lunch, and OH does his own thing. So it's only really evening meals that I plan.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I think most people would think I'm doing it wrong, but we go to the grocery store and pick out whatever looks good/is on sale/is needed to restock (plus we get certain staple perishables like specific vegetables, chicken thighs, and eggs.) Then our fridge works like a restaurant one and we basically do a FIFO rotation where I cook something around whatever's been there longest and should be used. I never have to throw out food because I pretty much check every night before I start cooking. So if the broccoli has been open for several days already, then my husband is getting chicken and broccoli alfredo and I'm getting roasted broccoli with lemon and truffle and a frozen veggie burger (or whatever), and the next day I'll see we have a ton of bell peppers so I'll make him stuffed ones with quinoa, ground turkey, and vegetables, then the next night I'll see the bag of salad greens expires tomorrow and make us big dinner salads with hard-boiled egg and the bacon I opened on the weekend and should use and some of the other veg I have, etc etc.

    I dunno, it works for me. We get varied meals, I can just think of stuff based on specific ingredients instead of trying to menu plan from thin air (which is harder for me), and we can grab whatever is a good deal at the store and work with that too.

    I also have a stash of what we call "freezer food", which is convenience stuff like frozen perogies, pre-breaded calamari, and frozen burgers that we can dig out if I'm not feeling like doing a whole meal from scratch or I'm not home and my non-cook husband has to fend for himself. Sometimes if it's been a long day I just have to plunk down a frozen pizza and some carrot sticks for him and be done with it so I do keep that stuff around for those kind of nights. I'd say we only have to resort to that about once a month though.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I make a grocery list each week and plan out the dinner meals for each night. I usually have "pizza night," "mexican night," "italian night," etc. and then flesh out meals from there. For ex: Tuesdays are "Taco Tuesday," which is some variety of taco or tostada.

    Once I know the meals (oftentimes based on what meat I have in the freezer), I flesh out the rest of the grocery list to make sure I'll have everything for those meals on hand. Then, let's say one of those meals needs carrots. I'll buy a big bag of carrots and peel/cut/weigh those out to snack size portions for the whole week. Same with celery. I'll cut cucumbers the day-of so they don't get slimy. I also weigh out portions of almonds so I always have a go-to protein on the ready.

    Breakfast is always boiled egg, an orange/clementine, and Schar crispbread crackers, and a V8 (sometimes I skip the V8) so I make sure to get those. I boil eggs every Sunday so I have them for grab-and-go breakfast on weekdays. Honestly I don't really love boiled eggs, but with salt and pepper on a cracker, I haven't found anything as convenient and too many carbs in the AM spiral me out of control.

    Then we have staple foods; things that I ALWAYS buy:
    1/2 and 1/2
    String Cheese
    High-Fiber GF Bread
    English Cucumbers

    I spend a lot of time doing meal prep and cooking. More than I'd like, honestly, but I think it's the nature of the beast right now.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    Thanks everybody! Here I thought "meal planning" was something that had a definition..!

    My mother wrote out everything we were going to have for lunch and dinner for the week on the left side of a chalk board in our kitchen.

    Then she investigated the cupboards etc. to find out what she had. Then she wrote a grocery list on the right side of the chalk board.

    At the beginning of the week, she went grocery shopping, got exactly what she needed to make the meals for the week + a little bit extra (maybe a few things on sale), just in case ... and we had those meals.

    On Monday, I knew exactly what was coming for the week. There were no surprises.

    That to me is "meal planning".

    What my husband and I do is to look at each other at about 6:30 pm and he asks, "What do you want for dinner" ... he asks because he cooks dinner. I usually shrug my shoulders and say, "Whatever we've got". It's almost always a partial surprise. I have an idea what we've got in the cupboards etc. and unless I'm really tight for calories, I know it will all work within my calories ... but I don't know what, specifically, he'll choose until it appears in front of me. :)

  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I sit down on Saturday and look at the week ahead. I plan dinners for each night based on what's on the calendar. (Quick dinners on nights the kids have sports, etc.) All dinners go into my google calendar.

    I always have a shake for breakfast, so no planning needed there.

    I also plan our lunches/snacks for the week and prep them as much as I can. I only pick two different lunches each week for me, having one Mon/Wed/Fri and the other Tue/Thu. The husband picks what he wants packed and so do the kids.

    Then I make my shopping list and hit the store.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    First off, I buy almost the same things every week. Greek Yogurt, Egg Beaters, Variety of Veggies/Fruits (Romaine Lettuce, cucumbers, zuchini, and apples are usually an every week thing), chicken breasts, and Diet Coke. Then I go by what's on sale. Then I get creative and figure out what I can do new with the sale stuff. I'm actually working on Carnitas Enchiladas right now...LOL

    I know for me I have to have all the ingredients on hand, ready the night before after that dinner. Because it's not gonna happen at 6am, or when I get home from work.
  • jmt08c
    jmt08c Posts: 343 Member
    I would say I only "prep" my lunches for the week and cook breakfast/dinner fresh every day. But meal prepping for the week (done on Sunday after shopping) includes roasting 2 5-6 lb chickens, 5 sweet potatoes/Japanese sweet potatoes and enough vegetables for each week day. But I plan for every meal and snack when grocery shopping, only buying what I need so that I have nothing to mindlessly snack on at home.