No hunger while it's hot - how to get the goal?



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    No worries - I don't take all the advice I receive on this board either! It's just one person's opinion. I only know that my sister, who is over 300 lbs, eats only one to two meals a day and cannot seem to lose weight. I gave her the same advice and she also says she can't force eating when she is not hungry. It is my belief that the brain/body tricks you because it is used to you only feeding it twice a day so it tells you you are full when it is holding onto calories and fat! Just like people who say they are never hungry in the morning so they skip breakfast. I used to be one of those people - now I eat but it is usually an hour or so after I get up. It would be an interesting experiment for you - to see if you lose more eating small meals throughout the day. Sometimes a change is all we need. Regardless of whether you take my advice or others - I wish you the best in your journey!
    I know this is definitely true for me, if I go a long period of time without eating, I mean like you shared one meal then nothing until dinner or longer, my blood sugars plummet and I crash and heck I'm not hungry for days, but I can hardly stay awake & then cannot wake up for anything. That's a low blood sugar reaction though. Each of us is different and this is simply me learning what works for me but if I only eat 2 times a day I am like you, my body gets used to it and I lose all contact with the sense of even thinking of eating, certainly never get hungry. It's not good for a T2 or for anyone to have their body lose those signals.

    But I so understand the heat keeping a person from being able to eat, it's terribly hot here and nothing but water sounds good. But I'll go and buy some fruit and more nuts and salad makings and plan on that type of thing.:drinker:

    Thanks for your view point!:flowerforyou:

    Edited to add: Sometimes the thing I enjoy most is half freezing some water until it frozen to a slushy stage and enjoying that with a spoon, mmmm so refreshing and cooling. I've heard some on here talk about freezing a carton of flavored yogurt and eating it like that, I imagine that would be refreshing as well and add cals to you day, which would be good. Might try that this week! :drinker:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I have a hard time eating when it is hot outside as well. I agree that smoothies are a good way to get in some calories. I don't like premixed smoothies (like the kind you can buy at the store) but I do like my homemade ones! I usually just throw some fruit and yogurt together, but a few weeks ago I did one with chocolate soy milk, banana, and a tbsp of peanut butter that was really good too. :) I also try to eat cold foods -- lots of fruit, salad, etc. Unfortunately those aren't exactly calorie dense, which still makes it hard to get to calories. I also typically try to stick to water to drink (with the occasional sweet tea or milk), but in the summer I find myself drinking calories more often by drinking fruit juice, etc. (Just make sure it really is fruit juice and not the 10% juice stuff!) Another idea that would be pretty calorie dense would be pasta salad -- fix up some whole wheat pasta and veggies, a little Italian dressing and even some cheese if you need those calories and serve it cold.

    For now, I am trying to make sure I get in 1200/day and some of my exercise calories. My goal for MFP is 1590/day (to lose a pound a week) and I really try to stick to that... but in the heat I usually end up eating less.