Advice on carbs and fat ratio



  • BigJes37
    BigJes37 Posts: 82 Member
    BigJes37 wrote: »
    If that is you in your profile picture, I am surprised you have achieved an impressive physical with pitifully minimal knowledge on nutrition.

    Calories > macronutrients > meal timing

    Keep protein at 1g/lb if thats what you feel is good for you, fats at 0.4g/lb as a minimum for hormonal function and then carbs. Personally I like higher fats and lower carbs so I'm not constantly full.

    Sorry if it sounds pitiful to you. No matter anyone's research or study they may read it's not always full proof. The body is a unique thing. I've disproved many theories with my own experiences over 15+ years of using myself as a test subject. I don't have degrees but have friends that do and who I turn to. It's all been trial and error for me some good some very bad. That profile pic came at a show I decided to do 12 weeks out at 12.8% bf and 218 lbs in that pic I was 5.5% 195lbs. I did that with the carb cycling method and with the help of my friend on the nutritional parts. I'm still learning and hence the reason for the post. I've put on 30 lbs of lean muscle throughout my years on a very poor genetic frame. Thanks for your judgement.

    You lost 7% bodyfat, 6lbs of lean mass and got down to sub 6% in 12 weeks?

    Yes. Not the best way to do it needed more time but now I know better. Lose to much muscle trying to cut that much that fast. Even my coach said I could be ready in that time but not ideal. It's takes a long time to regain those losses back.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    BigJes37 wrote: »

    Yes. Not the best way to do it needed more time but now I know better. Lose to much muscle trying to cut that much that fast. Even my coach said I could be ready in that time but not ideal. It's takes a long time to regain those losses back.

    Genuine curiosity here; was this with "supplements"?
  • BigJes37
    BigJes37 Posts: 82 Member
    @trigden1991. Some advice if I may. Coming across the way you did and the words you choose can turn individuals away from a healthier lifestyle in general. It's hard enough for some to even step foot in a gym which is intimidating in it self let along having the confidence to ask a question knowing they might be belittled or put down. I've seen this many times. So I caution you to think and be open to where others might be in there journey. Having 5 kids and a wife who hates the whole fitness seen because of this reason makes it hard to convince them there is a good side to it.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    BigJes37 wrote: »
    @trigden1991. Some advice if I may. Coming across the way you did and the words you choose can turn individuals away from a healthier lifestyle in general. It's hard enough for some to even step foot in a gym which is intimidating in it self let along having the confidence to ask a question knowing they might be belittled or put down. I've seen this many times. So I caution you to think and be open to where others might be in there journey. Having 5 kids and a wife who hates the whole fitness seen because of this reason makes it hard to convince them there is a good side to it.

    It also makes it hard for an ignoramus like me,who is just starting out,to post asking for advice :wink: