Insanity Noob Tip

OK...if you are a guy new to Insanity, here is a tip:

Do wear a shirt.!!! Keep it on for most of the work out and you can get rid of it towards the end when it is soaked.

It took me about 2 weeks to learn this duh...If you are used to other workouts where you don't sweat as much, no shirt may be a reasonable option. Not for insanity! i thought i would be cooler without a shirt and maybe sweat less...NOPE. The shirt helps because it helps absorb all the sweat so you can spend your water breaks actually drinking water instead of wiping yourself down ...and that makes a huge difference to your workout.

Once you have no shirt, your shorts and boxers WILL be soaked. You will need to wipe yourself down like you just came out of the pool. LOL Just save that for the end.

Good Luck.