Just a thought...

I see so many girls wanting those abs and muscles popping out for purely vain reasons. I'm not saying it's wrong, who wouldn't want to look sexy as **** in a bikini?
My point is, it annoys me to hear girls say "I want abs by summer and to get there I will do this program and eat this much" and just completely forget the main idea because they are so desperate to get that summer body and don't care about what can come out of it.

You are changing the way your body works. You're getting stronger. It's a commitment. You need to stick to it for the rest of your life. You need to get to know your body and love it enough to treat it perfectly and actually make it stronger and more efficient. You need to let your workouts build a strong character by pushing your on limits just a little more than what your mind thinks your body can handle.

Just remember that it's not just about the act of doing x crunches x times a week to look like this: *insert a headless instagram fitspiration picture that includes a cheesy one line "you can do it too" quote here*

Okay I'm done. Just needed to share this.


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    That's why I don't have a deadline. Sure, you could do something for this summer, but what about next summer? And the next? Are you going to panic about it every year? I'd rather just do it now and have it every summer because I have it all the time (although "having abs" isn't my goal, the same concept applies).