In need of some motivation!

Well I'm here like many others in hopes of finding a little motivation to push myself a little harder through this journey. So excited that there are so many positive people here and so much support! Thanks guys!


  • spicybaer
    spicybaer Posts: 393 Member
    I don't have many active friends on here. So I've had to motivate myself. I actually created a pinterest board titled weight loss motivation and I've saved a bunch of quotes to it and read through it when ever I'm feeling unmotivated.
  • raizelchaya
    raizelchaya Posts: 54 Member
    I am motivated and focused! You both can add me if you'd like.
  • newbethrn
    newbethrn Posts: 7 Member
    Sometimes we all need someone to tell us to keep going and stay on track. Self motivation is good but that little nagging voice in the back of our heads can get the best of us. A different perspective can be enough to shut his little mouth up.