Is the occasional under 1000cal day bad?



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    I did think, from reading the MFP forums, that "starvation mode" was a myth - the danger of VLC diets was muscle atrophy/inability to function on a daily basis? Is that wrong?

    What you have read is right.

    And no you are not gonna die.. LOL from doing this on occasion.

    I don't blame you on not taking the food scale to school. I also understand about needing to step back from the process and not let the process control "me"...

    You are mindfully aware and have a great attitude towards what you are doing and I feel that you are completely capable of making the right decisions to sustain an healthy weight loss and long term maintenance goal. Stay healthy and feel great and best of luck on your goals!! :)<3:)

  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Eating under 1,000 calories a day a 3 or 4 times a month isn't going to hurt you. Life happens - maybe your stomach doesn't feel great, maybe you're super busy running errands all day, maybe you had a really filling lunch and just don't feel like eating dinner. You can save your 300-400 calories for another day that week or not worry about it, just don't make a habit of it. When this happens to me, I usually grab an extra slice of pizza on the weekend :)

    For reference: Intermittent fasting at 5:2 has people eating under 500 calories two times a week (though they eat more on non-fasting days). Some religions have fasting days sporadically throughout the year. Some medical tests require people to not eat for 12-48 hours before a test. These people survive with no ill effects.

    Long-term restriction and doing it every day will cause problems - lack of essential nutrients, vitamins, etc. that your body needs to function. Sure, we're here to lose weight, but we should also strive to be healthy and not malnourished when we hit our goals.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    kae612 wrote: »
    I did think, from reading the MFP forums, that "starvation mode" was a myth - the danger of VLC diets was muscle atrophy/inability to function on a daily basis? Is that wrong?

    What you have read is right.

    And no you are not gonna die.. LOL from doing this on occasion.

    I don't blame you on not taking the food scale to school. I also understand about needing to step back from the process and not let the process control "me"...

    You are mindfully aware and have a great attitude towards what you are doing and I feel that you are completely capable of making the right decisions to sustain an healthy weight loss and long term maintenance goal. Stay healthy and feel great and best of luck on your goals!! :)<3:)

    Thank you <3:)

    Just to update, I got more appetite back today & let myself have a few small treats (muffin, some chips friends were sharing).
    tahxirez wrote: »
    You have to record those calories from school snacks. A yogurt can easily add around 130 calories (a lot of it sugar if it's flavored), which could put you right where you need to be. If your tea is sweetened (bottled tea usually is), that could also stack on plenty of calories and sugar. You should opt for plain Greek yogurt (add liquid Stevia, vanilla and cocoa powder for yumminess) and unsweetened tea for a lower-sugar option. If you're eating dining hall food, your cafeteria's food provider is probably chartwells/eurest/flik, and mfp has nutrition data for that brand.

    Also keep in mind that you will not die if you eat under 1200. 1200 is an arbitrary number to begin with-- the rule of thumb is actually based on your basal metabolic rate, which could be as much as 1500 (bmr calculators are available online).

    It also will not slow your metabolism to eat very low calorie/nothing until around the 3rd day when starvation mode sets in. In the first 1.5-2 days, your body does not slow its metabolism because it wants you to have the energy to find food, an evolutionary mechanism. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to eat every two minutes to keep your metabolism up either. Your metabolism and blood sugar are pretty good at self-regulating unless you have a blood sugar disorder, because humans didn't use to be able to graze on constant snacks--they'd have to force down lot of meat all at once.

    BUT, you do want to make sure you are getting plenty of protein so that your body doesn't catabolize its muscles, and give yourself a few high-calorie days here and there so your metabolism does not adjust to your constant low-calorie diet. This could be why you aren't feeling as hungry lately--your metabolism has lowered, or you're eating lower-carb/more nutrient-dense foods. If you've lost weight, that also lowers the number of calories you burn. It could also be that you and your body have just gotten used to knowing what true hunger feels like, and your appetite has lowered (common with dieters). I would make sure your low appetite isn't a stress or psychologically related condition though.

    Re bold sentences

    Umm, No - it will take far longer than 3 days for anything vaguely like starvation mode to set in.

    I didnt know this was popular belief - really??

    and No, she doesnt have to opt for Greek yogurt or unsweetened tea if she doesnt want to - no particular merit in those specific foods.

    I would like to add that the OP didn't say she wasn't logging convenience foods, she just insinuated that they may not be as accurate as other possible entries. Also OP I would not recommend going for the low cal options at this point as you are struggling to make goal currently. A few full fat yogurts might actually put you where you need to be during this period of low appetite. Good luck and stay healthy!

    Also thank you! Yes, of course I am logging them! Going by the website's calorie count, but that doesn't account for individual variation in serving, etc. I have found higher fat yogurt to be much more filling, I tried fat free before & even though I was full I would still crave more food & feel unsatisfied. Personal experimentation - everyone's different in that regard. :)
  • Nickisa24
    Nickisa24 Posts: 19 Member
    Since working more lately, I have a few days like this. I can be working from 7am until 9pm and only have time to eat once and will only feel like having a small snack when I get home that late. But on my day off I will eat over my calories slightly. I don't think it's the end of the world and wouldn't force myself to eat if I wasn't hungry. X
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    Am I the only person that has never experienced this?

    Nope , I haven't either even when sick

    Op be careful, you can lose weight without going too low. You don't want to end up losing hair, bad skin, loss of periods etc
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    And just after I write this I see a new post where another op has lost her periods