Feeling like a failure

In August 2015 I decided to start losing weight. I'd never been able to before then and I'm not quite sure what motivated me to start. I was 106kg when I started and 92kg at my lowest in January 2016.

Everyone responded so positively to me. It was so strange and foreign but kind of nice. But slowly the weight crept back and I'm at 100kg again. I'm in my final year of medical school and all the stress just makes me want to eat. Food makes me feel so good. Now I just feel awful about myself. I hate my body, I hate that I don't have enough self-discipline to get back on track again. I just feel so disappointed and defeated.


  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Look at the bright side, you are not 106 anymore! This is actually a good thing because you can look back at what caused you to regain weight and learn from it. This experience is invaluable! If you can't lose right now, can you at least maintain? Make tiny little changes every now and then that only require tiny little amounts of self discipline, and with time they will add up. By the time you are done with school you will not have to start over all the way from 106 and may even drop a kilo or two without putting in more effort than you can handle.

    What is usually the largest contributor to your calories? Do you drink a lot of soda for example? Can you switch to diet soda without increasing your intake of other foods? Can you cut your bread a tiny bit thinner and have just a little bit less spread? Have you tried using smaller plates and taller glasses? Have you tried buying single servings of things like chips and chocolate? Would you be able to replace one calorific snack a day with vegetables? Are you able to incorporate more movement, like pacing around when on the phone or taking a short walk when stressed? Have you experimented with other ways to manage stress?

    There are many kinds of changes that can be made without having to officially diet or shift your focus. Little things that will help you pull through without gaining any more weight until you are ready to start again.
  • Loug1983
    Loug1983 Posts: 89 Member
    You're in your final year of medical school, you must have loads of self-discipline! It's just redirected right now, don't be so hard on yourself! As the above poster said, maybe try sticking to maintenance to avoid further gain and start looking to incorporate small changes that can have an impact until you're ready.
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyday is a new day just keep trying even if you mess up. Take it a day at a time. I am trying to get back on track myself so I can completely identify with whst you are saying. Do listen to the negative voices in your head. Just keep pushing and keep trying even if you mess up. You've got this! Start small maybe focus on cutting one thing or focus on getting a certain amount of water drank everyday. When you get one thing conquered add something else. Chin up! You can do this!