Anyone else working on the elusive 6 pack?

Hi from Nebraska! I'm working on a body recomp with the goal of getting a nice six pack in the next six months. Anyone else working toward the same goal?


  • littefish2018
    littefish2018 Posts: 96 Member
    I am. As I understand it we need to get our body fat down super low so those bad boys pop through. I can feel them under there just dying to break free!
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    Yes I doing the exact same thing. 6x workouts and will introduce cardio soon to speed up the process. My lower belly is getting flatter from the last 3 weeks. I am giving myself 2 months so 5 more weeks to go.
  • philsimon1980
    philsimon1980 Posts: 17 Member
    Also chasing the 6 pack from nebraska
  • Spacemarine101
    Spacemarine101 Posts: 21 Member
    Same here, we are gonna get it people.