Feeling like its all for nothing !



  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    I just looked at your diary for today and yesterday.

    Have you considered eating clean? At least for awhile?

    I was in the same boat you're in, no matter what I did, how little I ate, or how much I worked out, nothing seemed to make a difference.

    When I gave up sugar and processed foods the weight started coming off - I'm down 50 lbs since March.

    Instead of Slim Fast consider investing in a juicer and making your own fruit and vegetable juice for breakfast - it would be much more satisfying and healthy for you.

    Dinner should be a small meal - lunch should have more calories than dinner.

    And drink lots of water. I know the recommended is 8 - 8oz glasses of water but the bigger you are, the more water you need. I drink 6 - 32oz bottles of water a day. Water is the only thing I drink these days also.

    Also get a good night's sleep every night - being up late or having a restless night's sleep is hard on the body and makes it hard to lose weight.

    You can lose weight, just take it one step at a time, you'll get there.

    I have its just so hard to get used to i guess.. i am hoping to see what everyone else is doing and make adjustments accordingly.. all tips are great.. and i use the shakes because im in a very busy job and they are just so quick and easy !!
    Thanks so much for your time
  • grannysmith54
    grannysmith54 Posts: 48 Member
    try to remember, you didn't get at the weight you are at now over night, it took 23 years, so hang in there, it will eventually show a loss and it will take time.
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you for opening your food diary! That really helps! I've felt that way too at times. Weight loss is frustrating! One thing I notice is that you have wildly low calories sometimes. I think you may not actually be eating enough to lose weight--on some days you're under the amount of calories your body needs just to function. Try looking at:

    Also, I see a lot of shakes and processed foods in your diary. I know they can be inexpensive and convenient! However, it's possible that your body isn't getting enough basic nutrition. Many very heavy folks are actually carb-intolerant. Perhaps an Atkins or South Beach approach would support your body more. Some people have great success with Paleo. But I think very good quality (natural foods, not processed) nutrition and exercise that's comfortable for you would help you break through your plateau.

    Good, good luck. We're all rooting for you!

    Yes i have made some big changes. Eventhough the typical 'fat" person eats eats eats i did not.. I would sometimes not eat anythign until atleast 2 pm just because i wasnt hungry. but the last 1.5 wk i have cut out sodas completely !! just water =) and some gatorade at the gym here and there... Thank you .. im trying =)
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    You need to be more consistent with your food diary. It seems like you have a lot of incomplete days and days that you did not log anything at all.

    Journaling is being proven to be a good weight loss tool in a giant research study right now. Just journal it - good or bad. It really does make a difference.

    I would also consider upping your fruits/veggies. Just work one in here and there. Side salad with meals. Piece of fruit for a snack. Toss some in the spaghetti sauce. They are filling and generally low calorie.

    Hang tough, you just may need to make a couple tweaks and then see what happens.

    Ty. i try to add it all. im just getting the hang of just really putting it all in.. good or bad.. it helps with watching what not to eat too..
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    Ty babrbswire !
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Keep in mind.
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    Keep in mind.

    Yes.. im getting it now lol Thanks everyone!!
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    What is awesome is that you are only 23 and here, looking for support. When I was 23 I was overweight and never got a true handle on it. Over the years more and more added on, w/a failed diet attempt at least once a year. You are doing the perfect thing, using the site to try to focus and learn how to do it. If you can cook or meal plan really good food that makes you happy and keeps you energized, you will succeed. Focus on the food issues and the quality of the meals and then look at the exercising. At 23, it's hard to eat healthy if you don't already know how. Ask for help and you will be get enough tips to find what works for you. Good Luck!
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi hun , I looked at your diary, you are not eating the right kind of calories, you cannot out train a bad diet.
    If you want you can add me , I can give pointers on changing your diet to help you get results.
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you. Its very hard. I can actually cook pretty well its mainly, What should i be eating and i need cheap versions of this. I, like many others work my *kitten* off ( literally i wish) :tongue: and dont have alot of extra money. So its about what to eat when to eat it.

    Then the working out part. What works best on and on. For me eating better and working out go hand in hand i feel great doing both.. until i get in this slump
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    Keep in mind.

    I am going to print this out and put it by my calendar at work :D
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    For me - even with good eating/meeting calorie goals if I drink alcohol I will not lose and in fact the scale will show a gain - even if it fits into my calories. Watch what you drink and be patient. My scale goes up and down and eventually moves down then goes up and down and eventually moves down...my body likes where it is now even though I don't and I have to fight it through this. Don't give up.
    As for the gym - find something you enjoy so you don't need anyone else to go with you - so it will be its own motivation. That is the only way to keep working out.