Could someone help with my macro setting please

I am struggling a little with how my macro settings should be, could someone kindly help?

I am fairly happy with my weight and looking to recomp a little.

My stats are
Age 35
Weight 57.6 kg (128lbs)
Height 1.63 m
Body fat 22.4
Workout 4-5 times per week with a mixture of weights and cardio.

It has taken a little while to get my head around the fact that it's ok to eat carbs. I am
Just a little confused my what percentage my macro should be set.

I also think I may need to up my calories, I am consuming about 1600-1700 per day, but I feel that the more muscle I gain the hungrier I am getting.

Grateful for any advice


  • robdowns1300
    robdowns1300 Posts: 152 Member
    edited September 2016
    Enter your stats into MFP. Set goal to maintain. Let it set your macros for you. If you want to recomp, be sure to hit your calorie, carb & protein goals everyday. Lift heavy.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    It's really not that critical to be overly concerned with macro precision at maintenance unless you are training like an elite athlete.
    But really wouldn't do set percentages anyway - very restrictive for no good reason.

    Well worth a read:

    If you are hungry then experiment with raising your calorie allowance, you may get a pleasant surprise and find your maintenance level is higher than you think.
    When people are hungry they often down regulate their non-exercise activity and perform worse when exercising.
    Eat more -> feel more energised -> do more.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    The best way to set your macros is to look back at your own eating trend. See what are your most satiating days, and go from there.
    So long as my protein is adequate I don't worry about anything else.

    Cheers, h.