60 Minute Plank Challenge - October 2016



  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    You got this! Still time left between now and midnight Monday!

    Already have 4 minutes done from breaks today, and may try to do 4 more after I'm done working. If I can do the same tomorrow, then I'll have caught up. :)
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    edited October 2016
    Forced myself to get in my 8 minutes today to make up for the previous days...yippie, the end is in sight (for this month at least)! Unfortunately, I scraped my elbows a bit doing the dolphin forearm planks...so back to only straight arm ones for a while. :/

    1 October: Rest Day
    2 October: Rest Day
    3 October: 3 minutes (6 x 30 sec - straight arm)
    4 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    5 October: Unexpected rest day - still sick and just not feeling it today.
    6 October: Unexpected rest day
    7 October: 5 minutes (5 x 60 sec - straight arm) ~ had to start to make up for missed days...ugh!
    8 October: Rest Day
    9 October: Rest Day
    10 October: Unexpected rest day
    11 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    12 October: 4 minutes (4 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    13 October: Unexpected rest day
    14 October: 6 minutes (6 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    15 October: (HBTM) 3 minutes (2 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm)
    16 October: Rest Day
    17 October: 3 minutes (2 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm)
    18 October: 4 minutes (4 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    19 October: Unexpected rest day (shoulder hurts)
    20 October: Unexpected rest day (worked late...excuses, excuses, excuses)
    21 October: 6 min Planks (5 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm side)
    22 October: Rest Day
    23 October: Rest Day
    24 October: 4 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm; 1 x 60 sec - forearm dolphin)
    25 October: Unexpected rest day - worked late
    26 October: Unexpected rest day - ran out of day
    27 October: 8 minutes (6 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 60 sec - forearm dolphin)

    Total: 52 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 8 minutes

    September - 60 minutes
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Oct 1, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 2, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 3, None, Rest Day
    Oct 4, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 5, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 6, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 7, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 8, None, Rest Day
    Oct 9, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 10, 2 x 2 min planks (4 min)
    Oct 11, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 12, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 13, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 14, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 15, 2 x 2 min planks (4 min) (2 min planks suck!)
    Oct 16, 2 x 1.5 min planks (3 min)
    Oct 17, None, Rest Day
    Oct 18, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 19, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 20, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 21, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 22, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 23, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 1 x 1 min plank (4 min)
    Oct 24, None, Rest Day
    Oct 25, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 26, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 27, 2 x 2 min planks, 2 x 1 min planks (6 min)!
    Oct 28, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)

    Total 120 min, 0 min to go on first goal. Secondary goal 120 min, 0 to go. Bonus: 6 min over secondary goal.

    Lets see what I can hit by Monday, that'll be my secondary goal for next month. ;)
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    Way to kick butt @Spliner1969 !!
    Felt pretty crappy today, but still got a few done.

    1 October: Rest Day
    2 October: Rest Day
    3 October: 3 minutes (6 x 30 sec - straight arm)
    4 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    5 October: Unexpected rest day - still sick and just not feeling it today.
    6 October: Unexpected rest day
    7 October: 5 minutes (5 x 60 sec - straight arm) ~ had to start to make up for missed days...ugh!
    8 October: Rest Day
    9 October: Rest Day
    10 October: Unexpected rest day
    11 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    12 October: 4 minutes (4 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    13 October: Unexpected rest day
    14 October: 6 minutes (6 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    15 October: (HBTM) 3 minutes (2 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm)
    16 October: Rest Day
    17 October: 3 minutes (2 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm)
    18 October: 4 minutes (4 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    19 October: Unexpected rest day (shoulder hurts)
    20 October: Unexpected rest day (worked late...excuses, excuses, excuses)
    21 October: 6 min Planks (5 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm side)
    22 October: Rest Day
    23 October: Rest Day
    24 October: 4 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm; 1 x 60 sec - forearm dolphin)
    25 October: Unexpected rest day - worked late
    26 October: Unexpected rest day - ran out of day
    27 October: 8 minutes (6 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 60 sec - forearm dolphin)
    28 October: Blarghy day, didn't do planks
    29 October: Blarghy, but did some planks anyway - 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)

    Total: 55 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 5 minutes

    September - 60 minutes
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    Went ahead and created the plank thread for November even though we're a few days away. You can find it here:
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    Argh, not looking good to get any minutes today. Exhausted from doing housework, and strained my back a little. We'll see if I change my mind later to get a few sets in...just so I don't have to do 5 sets tomorrow to reach goal.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Oct 1, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 2, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 3, None, Rest Day
    Oct 4, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 5, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 6, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 7, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 8, None, Rest Day
    Oct 9, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 10, 2 x 2 min planks (4 min)
    Oct 11, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 12, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 13, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 14, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 15, 2 x 2 min planks (4 min) (2 min planks suck!)
    Oct 16, 2 x 1.5 min planks (3 min)
    Oct 17, None, Rest Day
    Oct 18, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 19, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 20, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 21, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 22, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 23, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 1 x 1 min plank (4 min)
    Oct 24, None, Rest Day
    Oct 25, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 26, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 27, 2 x 2 min planks, 2 x 1 min planks (6 min)!
    Oct 28, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 29, None, Rest Day
    Oct 30, None, Rest Day
    Oct 31, Hmmm.. day's not over yet but none yet.. We.. Shall... See.... <Insert Spooky Laugh for Halloween!>

    Total 120 min, 0 min to go on first goal. Secondary goal 120 min, 0 to go. Bonus: 6 min over secondary goal.

    Was really worn out this weekend after walking/running so I skipped all other exercises. Lazy me.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    Sometimes a break is good!

    Well, I ended up going 3 minutes of planks last night, and forgot to post. Also plan to get about 3 more today before the month is out to close out the challenge properly. Will post later when it is done...and then I'll see you in the November thread! :)
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    edited October 2016
    Got it done even though I felt like garbage today...sometimes you just have to suck it up buttercup and push through. Even got two extra minutes for the month...see you in November's thread!

    1 October: Rest Day
    2 October: Rest Day
    3 October: 3 minutes (6 x 30 sec - straight arm)
    4 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    5 October: Unexpected rest day - still sick and just not feeling it today.
    6 October: Unexpected rest day
    7 October: 5 minutes (5 x 60 sec - straight arm) ~ had to start to make up for missed days...ugh!
    8 October: Rest Day
    9 October: Rest Day
    10 October: Unexpected rest day
    11 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    12 October: 4 minutes (4 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    13 October: Unexpected rest day
    14 October: 6 minutes (6 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    15 October: (HBTM) 3 minutes (2 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm)
    16 October: Rest Day
    17 October: 3 minutes (2 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm)
    18 October: 4 minutes (4 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    19 October: Unexpected rest day (shoulder hurts)
    20 October: Unexpected rest day (worked late...excuses, excuses, excuses)
    21 October: 6 min Planks (5 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 30 sec - forearm side)
    22 October: Rest Day
    23 October: Rest Day
    24 October: 4 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm; 1 x 60 sec - forearm dolphin)
    25 October: Unexpected rest day - worked late
    26 October: Unexpected rest day - ran out of day
    27 October: 8 minutes (6 x 60 sec - straight arm; 2 x 60 sec - forearm dolphin)
    28 October: Blarghy day, didn't do planks
    29 October: Blarghy, but did some planks anyway - 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    30 October: 3 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)
    31 October: 4 minutes (3 x 60 sec - straight arm)

    Total: 62 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 2 minutes over!

    September - 60 minutes

    For anyone who wants to join us in November, you can find the thread here:
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Oct 1, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 2, 2 x 1 min planks. (2 min)
    Oct 3, None, Rest Day
    Oct 4, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 5, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 6, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 7, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 8, None, Rest Day
    Oct 9, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 10, 2 x 2 min planks (4 min)
    Oct 11, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 12, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 13, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 14, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 15, 2 x 2 min planks (4 min) (2 min planks suck!)
    Oct 16, 2 x 1.5 min planks (3 min)
    Oct 17, None, Rest Day
    Oct 18, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 19, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 20, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 21, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 22, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 23, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 1 x 1 min plank (4 min)
    Oct 24, None, Rest Day
    Oct 25, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 26, 2 x 1.5 min planks, 3 x 1 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 27, 2 x 2 min planks, 2 x 1 min planks (6 min)!
    Oct 28, 4 x 1.5 min planks (6 min)
    Oct 29, None, Rest Day
    Oct 30, None, Rest Day
    Oct 31, None, Rested today. Just too much going on with the grand kids today.

    Total 126 min for October, 6 min over 2nd goal of 120. Fun! On to November....