how do you all stay motivated?



  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Fear is a powerful motivator. And I'm genuinely afraid of where I was going before I last the weight.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Personally I set myself objectives and structure my training around that.

    Races, or time goals for distances, or beating the previous time on a race.
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    I know I can choose my foods all over again for today, I've had enough.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Watching the weight fall off was motivating.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Don't wait around for motivation. Just do it.
  • TK6299
    TK6299 Posts: 502 Member
    You gotta really want it not just kinda want it. It sounds cliche but it's true you have to have to have to want it more than anything.

    So very true! You are accountable to yourself and when you see progress, that desire for more should kick you in high gear. Best wishes to you.
  • jayeless
    jayeless Posts: 30 Member
    I kind of take it a few days at a time. I find really delicious-looking low-kilojoule recipes and I think, "Hey, I want to try that!!" I get excited about the tasty food and I feel proud at the end of the day when I've met my goals!

    The other thing I do sometimes is plan out my consumption a couple of days in advance (mostly when I'm going to be busy). I mess with the foods and the portion sizes to get something that hits (or is close to) my kJ target and my macros. Then, since I've put all that effort into making the numbers stack up, I have to follow through and eat the food! I also draw motivation from looking at all the graphs this website offers... (I guess I'm a bit of a nerd.)
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I don't. I'm not motivated most of the time. Just stubborn.

    That's me. I'm not motivated most of the time. I just channel my stubbornness into my weightloss. Never thought it would be useful in anyway :tongue:
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    Seeing how I looked before I started vs how I look now. Huge difference. I know it can only get better from here. Keep going.
  • bininj
    bininj Posts: 77 Member
    I say to myself
    'do I really want to be fatter than everyone else?. I like being slim and looking good in my clothes. This diet is so easy it's not really a diet at all.'
    Most times that's what keeps motivated.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Ive been having problems staying motivated. I keep making excuses for myself, but really, I know its my fault. Any tips or tricks?



    We get one life, and one life only. One body, and one body only to go through that life with for the limited days we have on this earth.

    Why mess it up being unhealthy, overweight, and out of shape?

    Bust through life with the healthiest, most ideal weight, and best shape we can muster to enjoy each and every day to its fullest.

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I adopted new habits that are suitable to me and which I can maintain for many years to come. What need have I of motivation? I get up, do my day, go to bed and sleep.
  • BeGrandLike
    BeGrandLike Posts: 184 Member
    When it comes to food? I cook my week's worth of food at the weekend and portion it out- including my treats! So I don't need to have willpower, 'cause my house only has the food that's in my plan in and my lazy *kitten* is happier staying at home than going out in the cold to buy things I shouldn't be eating anyway! And if I'm out for the day, then I'm planning my foods in advance- bringing my lunch with me, or already having a plan to get a particular lunch that fits in my plan. It's all about the advance planning so that in the moment there's less willpower needed. And once I'd been doing that for a few weeks it became a habit and tbh it's so much easier this way anyway.

    When it comes to exercise? ROUTINE omg routine. I go to the gym every weekday morning. I split my breakfast in two and cook (and portion!) in advance so literally all I have to do in the morning is get out of bed, chuck on my gym gear, and then flop myself downstairs to the coffee. By the time the coffee (and the pre-gym half-breakfast) is in me then sure, I'm already in my gym gear so I might as well get out the door and go! And I also have certain of my favourite podcasts that I've told myself I'm only allowed to listen to at the gym. So I wanna get there and catch up on 'em!

    When it comes to all of it.. I get my motivation from seeing the progress I've made and thinking about how great it's gonna be when I make even more progress. How my clothes fit better now, and how it's gonna be awesome in a couple weeks when I get to take my belt in another notch.

    Oh? And getting enough sleep. Seriously. Before I started this I didn't sleep enough at ALL. These days I'm tucked into bed 9 hours before I need to get up every night, and it's made SUCH a difference when it comes to my feeling good and having the willpower and energy it takes to do what I gotta do.

    Best of luck!
  • adamyovanovich
    adamyovanovich Posts: 163 Member
    I put a picture of me 11 years ago, at the weight i want to get back to, on my phone wallpaper, so i see it every time i unlock my phone, it reminds me to keep going and get that goal.
  • adamyovanovich
    adamyovanovich Posts: 163 Member
    Also, time is going to pass either way. You can spend each day getting to be a healthier better person, or you can ignore it. But in a year, you will be glad you started today.
  • Ploofs
    Ploofs Posts: 59 Member
    edited October 2016
    If I quit, I'm going to start this over again anyways. So just continue with it even if there are bumps in the road. You don't get anything out of letting yourself go for a few days.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Easy for me. I don't enjoy being fat. But I made changes that I can live with... none of that starving myself/eating rabbit food crap.