Always hungry



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    kellyb28 wrote: »

    @JeromeBarry1 Just to clarify, I do my workouts fasted first thing in the morning then I eat breakfast afterwards. The carb-filled breakfast gives me tons of energy for being productive and also getting more activity in later on.

    That's good to know. Many, many people, myself included, exercise fasted in the morning and eat afterward with no problem. A recent Hello Healthy article, explains it girl-style and includes a link, which helpfully points in the right direction. I think you'll be doing really well if you can find a commercial or homemade granola/energy snack that you can use. Something to just make that morning refuel more complete across the macros.

    I don't eat either if I exercise first thing, but I usually have to wait a couple hours, and then waiting to eat just causes a very crappy workout.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Your stats are similar to mine. We're the same height, I'm older than you, and I'm at 117, trying to get down to 110.

    Those last 10 pounds are tough! This is what I've done to stop the binging:
    • Cut my deficit down to 250 calories
    • Take planned maintenance days every ten days
    • Take a full diet break every two months for two weeks

    It's going slow, but doing this is what got the scale moving for me. I was stalled at 119, binged my way back up to 123, and started doing this and got to where I am now.

    I'm happy this way and the binging and bad hunger stopped. I also have a higher protein intake than you do, but I don't usually make macro recommendations. I've found that what keeps me full might not work for other people.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    Thanks guys. I think @JeromeBarry1 and @Christine_72 are right.... I didn't realize how many carbs I'm actually eating (compared to others). At the same time though, it's a healthy amount. It's recommended to eat 45-65% of your daily caloric intake as carbohydrates, and I fall right in there. Also, I love carbs, haha. If I try and eat two eggs and a piece of bacon for breakfast, I crave sweets and feel low on energy. You guys also caught my diary on the rare days I bought some fresh bagels and had them for breakfast. It's been months since I've eaten bagels for breakfast- usually it's yogurt and granola or oatmeal (yeah, both of which are still high in carbs lol).

    @JeromeBarry1 Just to clarify, I do my workouts fasted first thing in the morning then I eat breakfast afterwards. The carb-filled breakfast gives me tons of energy for being productive and also getting more activity in later on.

    I think I just need to find a balance and focus on higher protein meals but also with a little carbs in there. I'll work on that and see how I feel and give ya'll an update. Thanks for the help!

    Where do you fall in the 45-65% carb range? I was probably in the 65% range myself when I started, but when I dropped carbs down to 40-45% and increased protein I felt much fuller. I'm not low carb by any stretch of the imagination, and do not feel deprived, just fuller :)

    Also, eating less carbs made me want them less.