Strong curves program vs sets for muscle fatigue

Didn't know how to word the title. I have been following the strong curves program: 3 sets AB pattern lower and upper, then a different set of exercises same thing with a bit of abs in there at the end. I was just reading that to gain muscle and lose fat faster you should do 2 sets of 6 reps really heavy and then 2 sets of longer reps and lighter weight to fatigue and burn out your muscles. Instead of going back and forth at the same weight for three sets. Does that make sense? Which is better?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    There's nothing about 2x6, 2x6+ that makes it better or worse than other rep schemes. You are a beginner lifter and will be better off following the program you've chosen than trying to change its parameters every time you read a new article. Once you've been lifting longer you may find that you enjoy different rep schemes or setups more or less than others but for now, just follow the directions.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member