So, I Broke My Foot :(



  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    There I was, just 15 lbs from my goal weight on Saturday morning, rushing to get out of the house to my workout. And. I slipped off of my front stair and broke my foot :(:(:(

    This is actually my 2nd time breaking this foot (different place but same side of the foot), and the last time I gained SO MUCH WEIGHT before I was able to workout again. I want this time to be completely different, and maybe even LOSE. So, my plan is to stick very very closely to my 1300 calorie daily goal and hope to see the scale continue to move down, even if it's just a little bit.

    Does anyone else have any experience with losing weight while being unable to exercise?

    I'm down 74 lbs with no exercise. Limiting calore intake is far more significant than exercise, if your sole goal is weight loss.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    I am so sorry to hear this! I have lower back pain related to a fractured and degenerated disc, so I fear exercise. I lost 40 pounds by decreasing calories alone and now I lift (very light) weights at home for my upper body. I'm so afraid something is going to hurt my back I am adding in weight and new routines very slowly. So, what others have said, watch your intake.
    I'm not sure what you can do for the mental benefits when you love your workouts besides sitting workouts.

    One interesting thing is I recently got offered surgery for my back (I'm not going to do it-trying PT first-I don't want metal in my back) and they gave me the post-op packet to read through. It said to eat a high protein diet to help your body heal. Maybe this seems obvious to you and others but it didn't occur to me to not just eat healthy but eat high protein. My mother had her hip replaced 2 weeks ago and her doctor advised high protein also.

    Most of all, be kind to your foot. You want it to heal properly and not have arthritis years from now.

    Good luck!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I tore my ACL in March and had surgery in May. I would like to say that I continued losing or maintained; alas I did not. I had quite a pity party (cupcakes) for myself because I missed out on lots of things that I really wanted to do , and by my maths the weight I gained is exactly what I get for eating at maintenance and not running the 20 miles per week that I used to run. I'm not fully recovered yet (still in rehab and it will be next month before I'm allowed to start cycling outside, swimming, or running again) but I'm able to ride my bike inside on the trainer, do some plyometric work, do yoga, and I've been walking 4 miles several days a week. I'm watching what I eat and my weight is starting to trend back downwards.

    That being said, don't have too big of a pity party and keep tracking, and you should be able to make it through relatively unscathed. Make sure you are eating enough to fuel your recovery though--a diet rich in calcium is good for healing bones!
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    You guys are the best! Seriously!! Thank you so much for all of your kind and inspiring words. I feel so much more capable to handle it this time. Having such a supportive community is going to make the difference. I just know it :)
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    Argh I have been there too.. I found getting up and trying to crutch around as much as I could helped! Trying to do everything for myself rather than letting people help with everything.. Sucks, sorry to hear that. Hoping you have a speedy recovery
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    :( sorry to hear.. you have been doing so great.. I've seen your posts on the forums. You are a winner and you'll find a way to keep on track. You are so determined. Good luck and get well.
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member
    Sorry to hear that. It really is difficult. I broke my leg last weekend, and i'm still can't really exercise. I hope your recovery goes well
  • pinky966
    pinky966 Posts: 6 Member
    Dislocating and breaking my foot is actually what led me to MyFitnessPal! I was worried that not only would I not lose my recent baby weight but that I would gain a bunch. I ended up losing a good chunk of the baby weight just sticking to my calories with the settings at sedentary :). You can do it!'ll just have to eat less b/c of the lack of exercise.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    I had a heart procedure and could not exercise for 6 weeks. I had an ablation so my chest would hurt and I was sooo exhausted that I couldn't do anything. If you cannot exercise, just eat at a deficit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Keep in mind though that your body will need calories to heal your bones! So a big deficit could just delay your recovery. Either way... I'm so sorry, it must suck!
  • GothamVeggie
    GothamVeggie Posts: 87 Member
    I haven't been able to exercise in 21 months due to a tropical disease closely followed by spine surgery & some other medical issues...& the scale kept on creeping up. Now in the healing phase, I decided enough was enough. Even if I couldn't lose weight without exercise at least I could stop gaining weight. To my surprise, I've been able to lose weight! 20 lbs so far & counting. It is totally doable. Side note: With a broken foot, there are lots of upper body exercises you can do too.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Eat at maintenance or above. Your body needs calories for healing.
    Good luck to you.
  • molepigeon
    molepigeon Posts: 22 Member
    I had a surgery in March which was meant to take two weeks to recover from. Eleven weeks later I was finally healed and able to start doing gentle exercise. I'd like to say I was careful and didn't put on any weight but I put on 6kg. It was a really rubbish time and I couldn't leave the house much for the first month so I had a nice pity party.
    I wasn't binging, but laying on the sofa doesn't burn any calories and I'm usually very active. Plus I was eating the things I wouldn't normally have. Tesco chocolate crepes anyone?
    I'm still not back in the shape (or weight) I was when I had the op but its just one of those things. I'm now down 2 kg so I'll get there :smile:
  • chapiano
    chapiano Posts: 331 Member
    I have picked up many injuries over the last few years, it is so frustrating. It's easy to feel like just giving up but all you can do is focus on eating in a deficit untill your recovered.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    No advice just wishing you a quick recovery!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Currently in my 9th week of a snapped arm, only just starting to exercise again! As far as the scale is concerned I've not gained. As far as my clothes are, I have! I've obviously lost all my strength and muscle mass as I used to pole daily but I know my body being healed is important.

    Advice? Everyone will tell you (friends /family) to just relaaax... go out for dinner....come to coffee with me and eat that cake why not? Make yourself feel better! BE CAREFUL with this. It's very very easy to un do lots of hard work. I'm not saying to restrict horribly as you need to fuel your body to heal correctly but just continue to be mindful. (I wish I hadn't eaten so much comfort food in my month long pity party for one)

    I know people will tell you ooh it's only a foot so do upper body exercises, which may be correct but only you know how bad your break is so only you know if you're able to be active without hurting yourself. Listen to your body, sleep when it tells you, stay hydrated and try to not let this mishap get you down!!

    Good luck xxx