Do you have any annoying co-workers?



  • Skinnyjeans_Sarah
    Skinnyjeans_Sarah Posts: 52 Member
    Yeah-- this annoying chick who works in a completely different department from me, but wants my job... So she pretends to act nice but other times is a real B. Telling me how to do my job and what's wrong with it when she herself knows zip about it! Sucking up to my manager when I'm not there and saying who knows what... Yeah, she's a wench. Lol. :smile:
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    While there was the occasional coworker with a poor attitude, I luckily had 17 years of very few incidents with employees before selling the business and retiring in Florida.

    @vincearah if you have a good manager, he/she sees the value in your contributions and won't be swayed by your coworker comments.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Really? Get a grip.
  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    Not really. Well there is one guy who refuses to wear deoderant but other than that he's alright.

    Now if we are talking annoying customers then this text box doesn't have enough room. .
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    I used to work at old navy. Two of my male coworkers would constantly stroll into my section and cut some seriously deadly farts during slow hours because it was a "funny way to pass time". It was a tiny town so it was a constant occurrence. :/
  • drjackphd
    drjackphd Posts: 12 Member
    Yes and I work for myself!
  • Skinnyjeans_Sarah
    Skinnyjeans_Sarah Posts: 52 Member
    runwmeNC wrote: »
    While there was the occasional coworker with a poor attitude, I luckily had 17 years of very few incidents with employees before selling the business and retiring in Florida.

    @vincearah if you have a good manager, he/she sees the value in your contributions and won't be swayed by your coworker comments.

    Yes, luckily she's a very good manager and loves the hard work I do! :smile:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I do home health. I'm close to most of my patients. Sometimes they get a bit annoying if I see them too often but I'd take this any day over retail, restaurant, etc...
  • _BrewingAZ_
    _BrewingAZ_ Posts: 252 Member
    I've got a coworker who refers to himself as "the team" whenever a question comes up about a project and always calls me "buddy". It drives me batshit crazy. "So the team thinks we can do this another way and wanted to get your input, Buddy!"
  • amcalmond768
    amcalmond768 Posts: 289 Member
    I've got a coworker who refers to himself as "the team" whenever a question comes up about a project and always calls me "buddy". It drives me batshit crazy. "So the team thinks we can do this another way and wanted to get your input, Buddy!"

    Lmao omg I would kill him!!!! How do you stand it "buddy"? Lol
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    The colleague behind me listens to her Ipod while she works and bursts into Vietnamese love songs at random times.
  • _BrewingAZ_
    _BrewingAZ_ Posts: 252 Member
    I've got a coworker who refers to himself as "the team" whenever a question comes up about a project and always calls me "buddy". It drives me batshit crazy. "So the team thinks we can do this another way and wanted to get your input, Buddy!"

    Lmao omg I would kill him!!!! How do you stand it "buddy"? Lol

    Well, I handle it by talking to "the team" and avoiding him at all costs LOL!
  • Yliy
    Yliy Posts: 10 Member
    My assistant is THE most annoying person I've ever met. He calls in "Tired" at least once a month because he didn't sleep well and just can't seem to wake up and make it in. And his favorite response is "Fer sure" whenever I tell him something... >.<
  • amcalmond768
    amcalmond768 Posts: 289 Member
    I've got a coworker who refers to himself as "the team" whenever a question comes up about a project and always calls me "buddy". It drives me batshit crazy. "So the team thinks we can do this another way and wanted to get your input, Buddy!"

    Lmao omg I would kill him!!!! How do you stand it "buddy"? Lol

    Well, I handle it by talking to "the team" and avoiding him at all costs LOL!

    Lmao hahah.. hide under your desk??
  • _BrewingAZ_
    _BrewingAZ_ Posts: 252 Member
    I've got a coworker who refers to himself as "the team" whenever a question comes up about a project and always calls me "buddy". It drives me batshit crazy. "So the team thinks we can do this another way and wanted to get your input, Buddy!"

    Lmao omg I would kill him!!!! How do you stand it "buddy"? Lol

    Well, I handle it by talking to "the team" and avoiding him at all costs LOL!

    Lmao hahah.. hide under your desk??

    I tend to ignore his phone calls and honestly try to keep all communication with "The Team" by e-mail. The dude must think that's his nickname. Like, The Situation.
  • amcalmond768
    amcalmond768 Posts: 289 Member
    I've got a coworker who refers to himself as "the team" whenever a question comes up about a project and always calls me "buddy". It drives me batshit crazy. "So the team thinks we can do this another way and wanted to get your input, Buddy!"

    Lmao omg I would kill him!!!! How do you stand it "buddy"? Lol

    Well, I handle it by talking to "the team" and avoiding him at all costs LOL!

    Lmao hahah.. hide under your desk??

    I tend to ignore his phone calls and honestly try to keep all communication with "The Team" by e-mail. The dude must think that's his nickname. Like, The Situation.

    Hahah.. you should get a tshirt made for him "The Team"
  • justinmclaren235
    justinmclaren235 Posts: 14 Member
    I work alone & drive myself mad
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    I used to share a small office with my old boss. He dipped tobacco and every 30 seconds I would have to listen to him spitting into his trash can.

    At the same place there was one guy who was notorious for not washing his hands after going to the bathroom and immediately digging into the candy dish at the receptionist's desk.

    Sounds like my work place! 'Cept he also itches his butt, digs right in there, and bites his nails.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    If smelly = annoying, then yes!