What is your why? Why are you doing this?

I'm just curious as to why you are loosing weight?

For me it's not just about the number on the scale. It is an overall fitness journey so I may transform my body, mind, and my soul. I want to truly live an amazing life. I want to help people. Motivate them and inspire them. I want to be the best mom, best friend, best wife that I can be.

Why are you loosing?


  • momofGD
    momofGD Posts: 110 Member
    I'm sorry I laughed. However, it's a good reason to start!!!
  • jayeless
    jayeless Posts: 30 Member
    I think for me it was an accumulation of factors. I was aware that I was generally not as healthy as I could or should have been. Too much beer, not enough exercise or veggies. I rarely weighed myself, but when I did (erratically), I'd always gained since the time before. It didn't bother me too much because I'd been underweight for literally my entire childhood, and was only just into the "healthy weight" range throughout my teenage years. Being skinny was deeply ingrained in me as part of my self-image! But I also kind of knew that my thighs were getting really large (to the point where I needed AU size 10 pants, even though my waist better suited size 6). Finally there was a moment of sudden recognition: although my waist was small, the rest of me wasn't actually that thin any more...

    I started out at around 56-57kg (I didn't own scales then), which is at the upper end of "healthy" for my height. I don't really have a lot to lose but I wanted to take that moment of "snapping" and turn it into a real drive for a healthier lifestyle. And fit into size 8 pants!