Caffeine controls hunger?

mike37130 Posts: 15 Member
So when I started my diet I never had a problem with hunger and cravings for the first 2 weeks of the diet. But after reading a article on cnn I decided to cut Coca Cola Zeros and all other diet sodas from my diet. I normally only drank one in the morning before I cut them out. not a day or 2 after I have been more hungry and had cravings for food and stuff and I could not explain why it suddenly started. To day I had a few sips of a coffee from Starbucks that my mom gave me. Not a lot just a few good gulps. To my shock the cravings have subsided a good bit all day. Could it be that the caffeine helps with cravings?


  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Caffeine is a known appetite suppressant, that's why old school diet pills like Dexatrim had it as an ingredient. I drink coffee because I freaking love coffee, but the caffeine buzz is a nice bonus.