
hi, as the title state, im looking to gain weight. i searched trough many forums, and found very little advice about how to gain weight properly. (im not yet looking to get ripped, i just want to do stuff in a more healthy way) this is why im posting here...

im 33 year old, smoked for 21 year, and never really exercised.
i quit smoking 1 year ago, (wich improved a lot my wellbeing in general) but never really changed my eating habits!!! (wich i regret dearly)

im 5'9" and weight 130 lbs. my weight never changed in the past 15 years by more than 1 lb, be it up or down. (including when i quit smoking. i heard ppl easily gain weight when they quit smoking, but no change for me!)

in the past year, i ate all the good things without counting calories, fat, or anything. just ate till satisfied. guess what!!! no loss, no gain. even tho i made a stupid effort to get fat instead of muscle by eating fast food every meal, and playing video games instead of exercising. believe it or not... it did not earned me an ounce!

now, im getting worried about "where is all that junk going?" cuz it's definatly not sitting on my waist.

that being said!

i have no known disease, sickness, allergy or anything!

last week, i decided i had enough of all that wicked, unhealthy stuff, and i set up a temporary diet plan.

i have read everything this in thread: http://www.acaloriecounter.com/diet/
and that's pretty much all i know about healty nutrition.

i understand that my problem is a calory intake deficit... (correct me if im wrong)
using the calory calculator provided here, i have been able to monitor my calory intake a lot more easily, but this is brigning me another, bigger problem.

i still feel ready to explode from my previous meal, when come the time to eat the next meal.

in the past 5 days i have been eating 115g uncooked spaghetti, and 300g home made bologna sauce wich i believe provide me together roughly 600 cal, 97g carb, 20g fat per meal. i am aiming for 2250 cal/day (2000 cal / day, plus 250 cal overfeed!)( i remind you that i weight only 130 lbs, and im a computer guy!) in the evening, im just eating anything i can find till i reach 2250cal. mostly "trailmix"

so here is where i need help.

1- is there anything i can do to get hungry faster without taking drugs or pills or whatever. i want to learn "the healty way."
2- is there anything i can eat that will sustain me for a shorter amount of time
3- if i mix in a workout routine, will hunger come faster?
4- do i just need to keep going and that "too full" feeling will disappear in a said period of time?
5- is there anyone else in my situation? if so, may i look at your diet plan?
6- any tips i can get would be most welcome. it's all new stuff to me!
