I'm Motivated to lose 14 pounds by December

txdragon38 Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2016 in Motivation and Support
I'm Motivated to lose 14 pounds by December to reach my first goal of losing 20 pounds and than my second goal is another 20 pounds. I know I can do this below is my starting weight and my current weight and how much I've lost so far,

Starting Weight: 230
Current Weight: 223.6
Total Loss so Far; 6.4 pounds

Please feel free to add me as a friend as I'm always looking for new friends


  • delboy604
    delboy604 Posts: 116 Member
    I would like to do same. !! Good luck
  • GMgetsfit
    GMgetsfit Posts: 554 Member
    I'd like to join you in your goal and lose 40 lbs by December. Do you have a plan for this loss? I'd love to have an accountability team?

    start weight 246
    Goal weight 226

    @ dragongrand97 and @delboy604 I'd love to keep in contact once or twice a week ( more if you'd like to keep eachother accountable and encouraqe each other.
  • wendypollok150
    wendypollok150 Posts: 20 Member
    I've got my goals set
    11/29/16 180
    1/17/17 170
    3/28/17 160
    7/11/17 150 Ultimate Goal!!!

    On, or before these dates, by 7:00 am I INTEND to weigh the listed weight or something better!!
  • NarwhalUnicorn
    NarwhalUnicorn Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! I want to get down to that much by December too and hopefully another 10 in jan-feb! Anyone feel free to add! F/34 5'6" 164