Noob here. Need some help.

I'm just starting to do more exercises and was wondering what are some good starter routines?

Any tips are helpful!


  • StrivingSagittarius
    I love riding bikes with my kids, swimming, and walks after dinner :) You would be surprised how many calories you can burn with these activities. I know you are just starting out so don't over do it and get burnt out. Always remember slow and steady wins the race and every little pound adds up!
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I started with a couch to 5k plan. This was fantastic, I downloaded it onto my ipod and was told to walk some run some, until i could run for a solid 30 minutes. It took 9 weeks and started my journey!
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    +1 for C25K
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I started with elliptical, and pully i hike and do body weight exercises. Depends on what makes you happy. I've tried zumba and I felt like an idiot, i loved lifting heavy free weights, but my gym membership expired and it's to nice outside not to hike the river valley. I have a mountain bike but I rarely use it, i've tried sports but I suck, did the c25k and realized I can't run worth crap. So right now hiking with my dog is my favorite.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    The best exercise advice I can give you is that there is more to exercise than running/jogging. Women tend to burn out too soon, and understandably so, because they think fitness = cardio cardio cardio.

    You should dabble in weight lifting (pay attention, this is NOT just for guys and you will not get big, even if you try), try some group cycling classes, etc... Find something that works for you, and that you like. Even if you burn fewer calories you'll feel better regardless and probably do more of it :)

    Also, educate yourself on body fat percentage, not BMI, and decide what your goals are that way. It will change the way you think about weight loss and what your goals are regarding target weights. The number on the scale is only a total, it doesn't give you the kind of information that you are looking for. Some women look amazing at higher weights, some don't. It's all about how much muscle they have and how much fat they have in comparison (basically). I can't stress this enough, learn about bf% and you will stress things a lot less.

    Cardio is great though, and it burns calories well, just look into doing something you enjoy. It doesn't need to be painful, though obviously it needs to be something that is making you work and not just going through the motions. Avoid bull**** trends, just stick to the basics and you will be fine.

    Also, and most importantly for some women, if you're over weight, you're probably going to feel self-conscious. That's fine, maybe you are the fattest girl in the room, and there is NOTHING wrong with that. Get red faced, get sweaty, and progress. You'll get to a point where you're not, it's definitely someting you can change. Just make sure that you stick with it and keep a steady, healthy head. The great thing about weight loss and getting fit is that with every step you take, you look better than you did before, and you may even feel better. Don't expect compliments right off the bat for the first 10-20 lbs you loose. You'll eventually get compliments, and when you do it won't matter that you didn't before, and all of this will happen well before you even reach your end goals.