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Getting Started... Again

phil4v7 Posts: 68 Member
This is my third serious attempt at losing weight. I had good success back in 2012 and lost ~70 pounds, nearing my goal weight. Then for some reason I still can't explain, I quit within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I've gone up and down since that time, eventually gaining all the original weight back and then some. I've had several false starts along the way where I wanted to lose the weight, and did well for a few weeks, but then quit. A little more than a month ago, I got very winded just walking up the stairs at home and decided enough was enough.

I didn't want to post here until I was sure that I was going to make this happen. This morning was my 30th day back and have convinced myself that I'm going to get it right this time. One thing I'm struggling with is that while I still have some friends around on MFP, quite a few are either inactive or quiet these days. I like seeing other people willing to talk about their challenges and successes. I like reading food diaries and getting ideas for my own. I like being encouraged and encouraging others along the way. Sometimes that stupid scale sticks or I begin to slip and return to my bad habits, so I like having friends that will nudge me if I disappear for a few days without logging or (politely) point out if I'm doing something dumb.

I welcome all friends, male or female, with 100s of pounds to lose or 5, or even those at maintenance as I'll reach that point some day and will need to know how to transition to that as well.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    Welcome back to MFP - Good luck reaching your goals... You CAN do this! :flowerforyou:
  • janelily7
    janelily7 Posts: 20 Member
    I came back today...good luck we can do this!
  • dolezalovaeli
    dolezalovaeli Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome back! I quit a few times myself and even though I used MFP during some of my efforts in the past, I've never really dug into the social aspects of MFP. This time around I'm giving it a shot. Good luck on your journey!
  • jasinwilliams
    jasinwilliams Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not in your position of trying to lose weight, but I just want to say one thing: when it comes to your health, the work you put in is ALWAYS worth it. You'll never regret a good decision you make when to comes to your diet or exercising. And the more good decisions you make, the more momentum you'll get and the better you'll feel. You probably know all of this because you have experience losing lots of weight, but it's still a good thing to always keep in mind.
  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    Welcome back. I have found this app very helpful. I'll send you a friend request. I have an open diary and log on every day.
  • StacywithaY
    StacywithaY Posts: 117 Member
    Always trying myself
    CALS0CCERBEAR87 Posts: 38 Member
    Good luck B) ...nothing worth having ever comes (or stays) easy! Every passing day requires putting your best foot forward and FIGHTING thoughts that pull you back.
  • mattro7703
    mattro7703 Posts: 33 Member
    Add me if you like. You can do this with the right attitude and a bit of willpower.
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    Good luck Phil :smile:

    This is my second serious time back on here. Hopefully we can lose the weight for good this time!
  • connieec
    connieec Posts: 4 Member
    I too am getting started again - let's do this together
  • wrathofpascal
    wrathofpascal Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome back, add me if you want.
  • phil4v7
    phil4v7 Posts: 68 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thanks everyone, I was wondering why I'd started getting more friend requests again and hadn't realized this thread had gotten new replies. I wonder why I didn't get notices of activity here.
  • Emmandaline
    Emmandaline Posts: 10 Member
    Neat idea, and definitely needed! This is day one of re-losing weight for me too!
  • lancelyell
    lancelyell Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome back bro! I'm happy to share meal plans and recipes if you need any help
  • Becarolach
    Becarolach Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck each time we start we r in a different place in our lives! U sound ready now and u know you can do it!
  • beast2k
    beast2k Posts: 1 Member
    I'm back today hoping for the same. Good luck!
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    Welcome back! This is my 5th week back on my 3rd time around. I keep my diary open to friends. I also like to look at what others are doing for their success. Friend request sent. Most of my friends went dormant as well. If anyone else want to send a FR, please just include a small message, otherwise I don't accept. Thanks. :smiley:
  • LizIsBack86
    LizIsBack86 Posts: 61 Member
    welcome back!!! Proud of everyone for fighting and never giving up: )Your all more than welcome to add me!!!
  • jor3c
    jor3c Posts: 40 Member
    We all struggle... ups and downs.... We are all just human beings doing the best we can at any given moment. Don't think of it as failure and starting over.... just a step on the journey is all.
    Some days will be Good and some Not so Good...it is all just a journey for everyone.
    And remember to use that internal voice to talk to yourself as you would a friend...hard for most and extremely hard for some of us I admit. Learning as we go that is the process.
    I did this without the social for so many years, but since I too struggling last year or so I have decided to try adding the social contacts and see if that doesn't help.
    You are doing great just by keeping at it and hanging in there.!!
    One day at a time!
    Hang in there...for me right now at the place I am it seems to be less 1 day at a time as 1 hour at a time...but that too is how it goes on this journey to reclaim our health.
  • FindingMickie
    FindingMickie Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome back! I completely get it and I am on what my 3rd 4th 5th attempt? I've honestly lost count.....but I'm still here....if at first you don't succeed -- try try again right? I never got into the community portion of this before and maybe that's where I went wrong? So this time I'm going to try to be brace and connect with other people on a similar journey.........WE GOT THIS!!