Need to lose 100 + pounds and scared

jls2837 Posts: 13 Member
This number seems so big to me and I'm trying to conquer my fears of doing something new and unfamiliar. Does anyone else feel this way when starting a new lifestyle? I've tried SO many times to get in better shape and have ALWAYS fallen off the wagon. What makes this time different? Fear of the unknown and my lack of confidence has been controlling my life.

I'm 3 days into tracking calories and have been walking a mile everyday since Monday. Will I ever get there?


  • Donutking2006
    Donutking2006 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck, work hard and never give up any thing is possible if you every need motivation hmu
  • jls2837
    jls2837 Posts: 13 Member
    Good Luck! I'm in the same boat. I have 100 lbs. to lose. It seems like a huge number but have confidence and the motivation to succeed. Breaking it up into mini goals seems to be less overwhelming...Like right now I'm focusing on losing 20lbs with a rough goal to have that accomplished by November/December. For me I need to lose the weight no matter how long it takes, just as long as I get there. Add me as a friend if you would like.

    Good luck to you! We can both get there no matter what it takes!
  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    I have been there. I was there nine months ago. I weighed 283 the day I started. I came in this forum, logged my food, quit pop, and started losing. I have lost almost 100 pounds. The last two weeks I have been in a plateau, but will break through it.

    Besides logging I kept writing down my feelings and prayers. I would explain to myself why I wanted this. It really helped me out so much. Also I went to the Dr and had blood work done. It helps in case there is an under line condition. I am also in talk therapy. It helps having someone to talk to when your having a bad day or week.
  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    Add me if you all want.
  • jls2837
    jls2837 Posts: 13 Member
    I have been there. I was there nine months ago. I weighed 283 the day I started. I came in this forum, logged my food, quit pop, and started losing. I have lost almost 100 pounds. The last two weeks I have been in a plateau, but will break through it.

    Besides logging I kept writing down my feelings and prayers. I would explain to myself why I wanted this. It really helped me out so much. Also I went to the Dr and had blood work done. It helps in case there is an under line condition. I am also in talk therapy. It helps having someone to talk to when your having a bad day or week.

    Wow that is amazing!! You should be so proud of yourself!
  • Hmeek22
    Hmeek22 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm there with you I have 80 to go, we didn't put in on overnight so it will take some time to get it off. Stick with it!!
  • trekkiegirl8
    trekkiegirl8 Posts: 32 Member
    I agree about the mini-goals. I'm trying to lose about 40-45. That's the ultimate goal but it's not the immediate focus. I joined a couple of challenges here that are "lose 5 pounds this month" type challenges, so that's how I've broken it up in my mind. It's like, okay, first 5 lbs down, now I just have to do this again and again and again. ;) I think when you set a mini goal that is not so daunting to reach and then you reach it, it motivates you to keep going. Plus, whatever you've done during that time, you know you can do it again and maybe a little bit more. I've also been wearing my Fitbit every day and doing some of those challenges. I find I like being part of challenges that are less about competition and more about just trying to reach a goal. I don't have to be #1 on the list.
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm also in to loose 100 lbs, I started on August 16,2015 I have lost 25 lbs so far. Food is 90% making sure you stay in your calorie deficit, and exercise is 10% from my experience. I started walking a minimum of 4 miles per day, (fitbit help keep track) as well as eating below 1500 calories and working out 5 days a week at least 30 minutes of cardio usually zumba/kickboxing. I use the 3,2,1(well at least try sometimes i go for 3 snacks, 2meals, 1 shake which ever feels right) rule 3 snacks, 2 shakes, and 1 meal under 500 calories per day. Always look for support/friends so feel free to send a friend request ! you got this no need to be scared ! :D

    *THIS IS NO A DIET CAUSE DIETS ARE FADS IT IS LIFESTYLE CHANGE & WE MUST STICK WITH IT* at least i tell myself this daily Oh and I do not do cheat days if i want something i eat it making sure it fits into my macros, and i log it. I still consume cheeseburgers just wrapped in lettuce and no bacon, extra veggies no mayo.
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    Don't focus on the 100lbs goal, set a mini-goal for yourself. Say down by 10lbs in 5 weeks and enjoy the journey as you cross of those mini-goals. Perhaps put up a piece of paper with your current weight all the way down to your 100lb goal in descending order with 5 lb intervals. Cross off each weight as you hit another 5lbs down that way you can see visually how you are doing. It will take some time and you may have a few setbacks along the way so be mentally prepared for that. It won't be like those "biggest loser" shows, don't even try to compare yourself to those things. Try to focus the fact that you are now making more health conscious decisions that will lead to a longer and healthier life. Seek out ways to spend time with family and friends while participating in healthy activities. Relax, you got this ;-)
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    jls2837 wrote: »
    This number seems so big to me and I'm trying to conquer my fears of doing something new and unfamiliar. Does anyone else feel this way when starting a new lifestyle? I've tried SO many times to get in better shape and have ALWAYS fallen off the wagon. What makes this time different? Fear of the unknown and my lack of confidence has been controlling my life.

    I'm 3 days into tracking calories and have been walking a mile everyday since Monday. Will I ever get there?

    I was where you are now a year ago (well actually had 150lb to lose) and it is so daunting to see such a big number of pounds to lose. So set yourself a series of smaller targets, I set myself short, mid and long term goals. A short term goal could be to simply track your food every day for a week, while a mid term goal could be to lose 10% of our bodyweight and a long term could be to lose 25lb. As you pass each goal you can set new ones, some based on actual weight and some on health and before you know it the whole losing weight thing doesn't seem quite so insurmountable. (I'm down 102lb in just under a year and it's only been in the last couple of weeks that I had the courage to put my ultimate goal in to the Fitbit app).
  • notkaseykasem
    notkaseykasem Posts: 136 Member
    Set small goals, they're not as scary. I started in January and am down 79 lbs and can't believe how the time has flown. It's not easy. Every day takes work, but you CAN do it!
  • spngnetwork
    spngnetwork Posts: 41 Member
    jls2837 wrote: »
    This number seems so big to me and I'm trying to conquer my fears of doing something new and unfamiliar. Does anyone else feel this way when starting a new lifestyle? I've tried SO many times to get in better shape and have ALWAYS fallen off the wagon. What makes this time different? Fear of the unknown and my lack of confidence has been controlling my life.

    I'm 3 days into tracking calories and have been walking a mile everyday since Monday. Will I ever get there?

    So much great advice above! Keep at it. I started walking a mile everyday since last week, I've also changed my diet a few weeks prior to that. I've gradually replaced a meal with a protein shake and started drinking a lot more water. I feel different, I don't feel sluggish anymore; and I also look forward to hitting the track everyday. You'll get there, just don't give up :)
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    edited October 2016
    I absolutely understand. It is incredibly daunting when you look at that number! Like others have said, set small goals. I get overwhelmed by all the planning - right now it seems like I think about it all the time - planning meals, planning exercise, etc... I know it will get easier though.

    Feel free to friend me.
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    I don't have as much to lose... 35lbs but at my age it feels like I'm trying to move a mountain it's coming off so slow. But you know what? No matter where you're at, nothing positive is going to happen if we keep the same ol same ol right? We are all on here to be the best we can be. I've felt like giving up for sure but I'm finding out fast that MFP is a great motivator! Make friends and check in... We can all help motivate each other. I'm actually in 3 Challenges this month! Lol! Make it fun! Learn a lot! Feel Better! It's Mind over Matter and you can do this!!!