Right Size Hunger Smashing Smoothie

Has anyone tried this and had results? I saw this at the drug store and thought I would inquire before I purchased it. I'm looking for something quick and easy in the morning because we are so rushed at home and no time to cook breakfast!


  • rachso
    rachso Posts: 174 Member
    I have tried it. The taste wasnt to bad and it was quick and easy as my husband leaves for work before 7am and that leaves me to get both kids up, dressed, dropped off at schoola nd daycare (2 separate places) and make the <then> 35 minute commute to work. Often I woudl make the smoothie and be drinking it on the road. Chocolate was good, I woudl add a spoon of PB to add protein. Witht eh vanilla I liked adding fresh or frozen fruit like peaches.
    I lost more inches than I did pounds, but I also wasnt into clean eating and exercise like I am now. So if I lost inches with it without trying, I'm sure more woudl come off when u do try. The ONLY drawback was 1) the price and 2) when it wore off and I needed lunch I REALLY needed lunch.