Gluten free weight loss



  • jopalis
    jopalis Posts: 238 Member
    I have had Hashi's for about 15 years. I don't go gluten free. I have lost 6.5 lbs for each of the last two months here on MFP. I do limit the more simple carbs and combine them with other healthy foods when I have them. Mostly to keep my blood sugar level since I have been prediabetic in the past. I am down about 18 lbs since July. I have a calorie limit of 1200 and usually do not eat back my exercise calories but do occasionally. I have no strictly off limit foods. I mostly use my Fitbit with a goal of 8k per day but often exceed that. I also do Stronglifts 5 x 5 strength training with my DH 3x per week. I will be 65 in December.

    Does your doctor recommend gluten free or have you been tested and found intolerant?
  • redhairedgoddess1
    redhairedgoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    Unless you are allergic (celiac) or find that gluten causes issues for you (my eczema flares when I eat too much wheat/wheat products), there is no need to eliminate gluten. That said, if you do need to eliminate it, don't buy expensive (and usually gross) gluten free substitute foods - they often have just as many, if not MORE, calories than their less expensive, tastier, gluten filled counterparts. Focus on foods that are normally gluten free to begin with. And count calories. That second part is more important for weight loss than any other factor.

  • redhairedgoddess1
    redhairedgoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok, sooooo.... maybe I forgot to mention that I didn't choose to go gluten free on my own ... I have had issues with my weight, stomach and migraines all my life.. I moved to Texas and finally found a doctor who would listen to me about what's going on with me... he did lots of tests, for all kinds of things ... in the end , he is rhontold me I needed to remove gluten from my diet ... not my or my decision... so I've been reading and googling and even have a gluten free cook book now to try to get this right.. and yes , 15-16 pound in the same amount of weeks sounds great.. but it was all in the beginning and now, nothing ... so that's why I came on here and asked for help/ideas.... sorry if I was unclear ....
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Ok, sooooo.... maybe I forgot to mention that I didn't choose to go gluten free on my own ... I have had issues with my weight, stomach and migraines all my life.. I moved to Texas and finally found a doctor who would listen to me about what's going on with me... he did lots of tests, for all kinds of things ... in the end , he is rhontold me I needed to remove gluten from my diet ... not my or my decision... so I've been reading and googling and even have a gluten free cook book now to try to get this right.. and yes , 15-16 pound in the same amount of weeks sounds great.. but it was all in the beginning and now, nothing ... so that's why I came on here and asked for help/ideas.... sorry if I was unclear ....

    Weight loss comes down to calories. I agree with the above suggestions to just eat food that doesn't contain gluten; meat, veg, etc. Just regular food. If you need an occasional substitute for something, gluten-free recipe books and bakery products can be helpful, but really, they're unnecessary. You're going to lose weight the same way everyone else does: controlling your calories.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Ok, sooooo.... maybe I forgot to mention that I didn't choose to go gluten free on my own ... I have had issues with my weight, stomach and migraines all my life.. I moved to Texas and finally found a doctor who would listen to me about what's going on with me... he did lots of tests, for all kinds of things ... in the end , he is rhontold me I needed to remove gluten from my diet ... not my or my decision... so I've been reading and googling and even have a gluten free cook book now to try to get this right.. and yes , 15-16 pound in the same amount of weeks sounds great.. but it was all in the beginning and now, nothing ... so that's why I came on here and asked for help/ideas.... sorry if I was unclear ....

    You are more than likely not measuring your intake accurately. You also should adjust your calorie goals every 10 lbs lost or so, since our calorie needs become less as we get lighter.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Gluten free can be way more calorie-ific then regular food. my brother has Celiac's and has GAINED about 50 lbs because 1- gluten free things still have calories, and 2- his body is finally processing the food he eats. If you are going gluten free for other medical reason's that fie but don't expect to automatically lose with because of it.
  • redhairedgoddess1
    redhairedgoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanx everyone ! I did go ahead and adjust my daily calories... went down about 250 calories, hopefully that helps. The hard part for me is, finding quick, fresh foods for work . NOT FAST FOOD. Cooking at home is ok.. but I don't always want leftovers the next day for lunch .. and frozen meals get old realllllly fast. A client of mine gave me a gluten free cook. lol for my birthday :) I'm excited to use it! That is if I can ever remember to take it home from the salon ! And I still need to incorporate exercise into my daily routine... that will be the bigger struggle ...
    I appreciate all of the feedback from you all.. it really helps just to have people to talk to about it, thank you again !!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanx everyone ! I did go ahead and adjust my daily calories... went down about 250 calories, hopefully that helps. The hard part for me is, finding quick, fresh foods for work . NOT FAST FOOD. Cooking at home is ok.. but I don't always want leftovers the next day for lunch .. and frozen meals get old realllllly fast. A client of mine gave me a gluten free cook. lol for my birthday :) I'm excited to use it! That is if I can ever remember to take it home from the salon ! And I still need to incorporate exercise into my daily routine... that will be the bigger struggle ...
    I appreciate all of the feedback from you all.. it really helps just to have people to talk to about it, thank you again !!

    I am gluten free due to a low fodmap diet prescribed by my GI for IBS and likely wheat sensitivity. I make all my own foods to ensure that I stay within my calorie goals. Make you own meals on a day off and take to work.

    By the way, excellent job on your weight loss.