When to rest a sore hamstring

I have been doing HIIT training on a hiking trail and have been able to cover 6 miles with approximately 20 minutes of jogging in 2-3 minute intervals. I absolutely love this workout! With the elevation spikes it turns out to be a really nice workout to do 3 days a week.

But after my last workout I noticed an achy hamstring. Not enough to have major concern over, but enough to take Advil. How long should I rest or is it okay to do a modified workout with less jogging and/or decreased distance? I know that resting for a short while now is better than risking an injury that would force a longer term break from this kind of workout.

It's completely my fault. There was a large school class occupying my trail (apparently I think it's 'my' trail lol) so halfway through I waited 5 minutes in hopes they would move through the part of the trail I would be using. I am not sure if the 'rest' somehow sabotaged my hamstring or if it was my stubborn determination to start my jogging interval right away after resting (heaven forbid I change my routine?!) either way I need to be more thoughtful about how I train (doh!) so appreciate any advice anyone has!


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    do something else-like biking or swimming until hamstring feels fine.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Rest it
  • As said above, rest. Any injury like you describe needs rest. There are things you can do and keep exercising but if that exercise involves the hamstring, chances are you are prolonging full recovery. It's why lower body injuries are the worst. We walk from point A to point B so all of those muscles are being used, constantly. All the more reason to rest when possible and not risk exacerbating or prolonging recovery.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    When to rest a sore hamstring? When it hurts.. pain is there for a reason, listen to it.