Staying on track when out of routine

I am looking for advice on how to stay on track and not slip into old habits when I am not in my normal routine. This applies to weekends too. When I'm in my office on a normal weekday, I eat healthy, filling, low cal meals, walk a lot, and go to the free gym in my office building after work. But I worked from home yesterday and my friends moved into their new apt so I skipped my workout and then went out to eat afterwards where I got a greasy grilled cheese and a beer...which would be a normal day before I started this journey. I go off the rails on weekends too when I don't have any structure.

Please help!! Any advice is appreciated. :)


  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    edited October 2016
    There are a couple of ways to approach this and which is up to you:
    • Accept that weekends will have some indulgences and account for this by building a larger deficit in the week (you will still need to log at the weekend to ensure that you're not blowing your deficit away)
    • Maintain control throughout the weekend by continuing to log (or pre-log), preparing the types of meals you eat in the week for lunches and dinner.

    In practice, many people use the second option for most of the time and reserve the first for special occasions such as what happened yesterday.
  • powered85
    powered85 Posts: 297 Member
    Meal prep and use the food scale during the weekends too.