Plastic Surgery



  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    You are truly darling, and I don't think you have a big nose at all. That said, I guess that my thought is...if it's something you obsess over and it truly bothers you (and IF you can afford it), why not do it?
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    I had my nose "fixed" while undergoing surgery for as deviated septum, where they did a lot of work on my sinus's and I now wish I had NOT had my "bump" taken out (My daughter has the same one, and i love it on her). All in all, I guess given the chance now, I would have said "No" to the "Up grade"(???)..

    BTW: If your hubby likes/loves your face..why change it?
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I can go to bed happy tonight! 3 compliments! haha

    seriously though, thanks guys. I just wonder if I would be happier or would always find a fault in it. I guess my fear would be dropping 8 grand and not loving the result

    That's a very valid fear. It's not that it may or may not look good...but it does come down to whether you'll be able to accept you for you and love your body in general. I know..sounds corny, but there are people that love their decision, and others that regret it because they realize they were letting outside pressures and their insecurities get to them and it turns out they actually loved their replaced feature.

    I guess ask yourself if such a change is really going to "change" how you feel about you and your quality of life in general for the better. If so, why. And then take those reasons and really try to think of how you'd answer that if a friend told you those reasons. Are they justifiable to altering your appearance as you plan? Or is it more just that you feel changing your nose will "somehow" change you into who you want to be.

    Very good advice, I guess it may not 'better' my life, besides the 10-15 minutes a day I lose not liking photos or my face in the mirror, but maybe I should work on that and not just take the easy route? Idk, i just think I would look how I actually see myself with a smaller more shapely nose, its just very large and I feel like your eyes automatically go there when you look at my face

    I can attest that this is untrue. For me it was the lips. Those gorgeous, full beautiful lips.. :love:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Do whatever you want, it's your money. I was talked out of plastic surgery when I was young and when I finally got it I was so happy. I'm noticing you said you were thinking about it for years so if it's important to you, that's what matters. Just if I were you I'd include your husband in the WHOLE process because you are likely to look quite different and it freaked one of my kids out one day when I went to the salon a brunette and came back as a blonde. So when they are showing you video or photography of how you will look with the new nose make sure he gets to be a part of that to really prepare himself for the changes. That's my advice. If you chose not to do it, he already loves you. You are in a can't lose situation, so just do what you want.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I can go to bed happy tonight! 3 compliments! haha

    seriously though, thanks guys. I just wonder if I would be happier or would always find a fault in it. I guess my fear would be dropping 8 grand and not loving the result

    That's a very valid fear. It's not that it may or may not look good...but it does come down to whether you'll be able to accept you for you and love your body in general. I know..sounds corny, but there are people that love their decision, and others that regret it because they realize they were letting outside pressures and their insecurities get to them and it turns out they actually loved their replaced feature.

    I guess ask yourself if such a change is really going to "change" how you feel about you and your quality of life in general for the better. If so, why. And then take those reasons and really try to think of how you'd answer that if a friend told you those reasons. Are they justifiable to altering your appearance as you plan? Or is it more just that you feel changing your nose will "somehow" change you into who you want to be.

    Very good advice, I guess it may not 'better' my life, besides the 10-15 minutes a day I lose not liking photos or my face in the mirror, but maybe I should work on that and not just take the easy route? Idk, i just think I would look how I actually see myself with a smaller more shapely nose, its just very large and I feel like your eyes automatically go there when you look at my face

    I can attest that this is untrue. For me it was the lips. Those gorgeous, full beautiful lips.. :love:

    Eyes, I saw your eyes first. and then the highlights in the ponytail, and then the husband.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'm not sure how big of a change you're thinking about making. But one thing to keep in mind is that we really identify others by their faces. I've had friends who have gotten work done on their faces, and they look like a different person. Meanwhile, if they had gotten implants or liposuction or whatever, it might have been noticeable, but I wouldn't have to change the image of the person I picture in my head. Of course, your friends and family will get used to the change.

    And if something goes wrong, or it comes out not as expected, it's in the middle of your face. You can't hide it.

    Anyway, I think you're beautiful, and your nose fits your face perfectly :flowerforyou:
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    I say go for it! If you really want it. I had plastic surgery for ME. And I NEVER regretted it! It was something I really wanted, weighed the decision and got it when I was 27! You are beautiful, with or without it. But I understand completely. I feel like after my surgery I look like I always envisioned myself...but now the pics show it too! Do it for you! You really deserve it! =) GOOD LUCK!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I can go to bed happy tonight! 3 compliments! haha

    seriously though, thanks guys. I just wonder if I would be happier or would always find a fault in it. I guess my fear would be dropping 8 grand and not loving the result

    That's a very valid fear. It's not that it may or may not look good...but it does come down to whether you'll be able to accept you for you and love your body in general. I know..sounds corny, but there are people that love their decision, and others that regret it because they realize they were letting outside pressures and their insecurities get to them and it turns out they actually loved their replaced feature.

    I guess ask yourself if such a change is really going to "change" how you feel about you and your quality of life in general for the better. If so, why. And then take those reasons and really try to think of how you'd answer that if a friend told you those reasons. Are they justifiable to altering your appearance as you plan? Or is it more just that you feel changing your nose will "somehow" change you into who you want to be.

    Very good advice, I guess it may not 'better' my life, besides the 10-15 minutes a day I lose not liking photos or my face in the mirror, but maybe I should work on that and not just take the easy route? Idk, i just think I would look how I actually see myself with a smaller more shapely nose, its just very large and I feel like your eyes automatically go there when you look at my face

    I can attest that this is untrue. For me it was the lips. Those gorgeous, full beautiful lips.. :love:

    Agreed. Especially the 1st and 3rd pictures. The 1st picture, the first thing I noticed was you looked happy...your face was lit up/bright. The 3rd made me want to make the same face back because I'm a goofball and it just looked like you were having fun :D
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member

    Does this look similar to my nose now?
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member

    It said the page didnt exist for me
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    I think you'll have to save the image you are seeing and upload to photobucket, then post the picture on here. Can't see what you are looking at. Just gives the general page
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member

  • mrsleonard12
    mrsleonard12 Posts: 66 Member
    big difference. she looks older to me. the nose doesn't make her look better. just different
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I also think your nose looks just fine. I think you look beautiful. I see no issue with it what-so-ever. I can't even picture what it would look like if you change it.

    But, I have seen people get nose jobs and was surprised how good it really looked. Other times I felt it was not a good change. I think noses are challenging to get right. But, what do I know?

    As for plastic surgery. For me, I would only get it if I needed reconstruction from a horrible accident or something.

    I am attached to my body and face. I feel very identified by it. I wouldn't want to change it. I realized this recently and realized this must be a good thing that I accept myself and appreciate myself as I am. It isn't that I think I am perfect, I don't. I have my own issues, I am very critical of myself, and times when I see myself not as I am. Or actually when I picture myself in my head I see myself not as I am, but usually if I go look in the mirror I see that I look good and do not look like I think I do in my head sometimes. I didn't see myself accurately when I was younger. I see my younger self very positively now. I still need to work on my present and I am. But, there isn't any plastic surgery I would want to get.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I personally like your nose. I like unique features and find them interesting, especially on attractive people.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    I love your nose too and it makes you so unique.Yes its not conventional but its soo much better than that.I dont know about your guy but if it was me, your nose would definitely get a mention in my proposal,in our to and fro texts and it would be my go to physical attribute for everything lol .And don't forget your might pass on this nose to your kids too.It would suck if your kids had your nose but you didnt.But at the end,it depends on how you feel about it.Good luck
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    it would suck to not get the results you want. if you can find a good make up artist, you can get them to do contouring so you can see how it may look. check it out on youtube. kim kardashian does it alot .

    Thank you for this, IM going to try contouring this week and see how that feels
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    The first thing I said when I saw your nose was there was just no way we were ever and I mean ever having sex.

    It had nothing to do with your nose and more to do with you being hot and married, but I thought I would let you know anyway.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I think your nose is wonderful! Does it work? If it does, I'd learn to embrace your look and start loving your beautiful face! If you don't, it doesn't matter how good the surgeon is, you'll find problems with the result, too. You're picking yourself apart. Love yourself, instead!

    And I'm going to take my own advice!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I don't think other people's opinions matter, it's how you feel that's important.

    Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with your nose at all. But are the opinions of a few people on a fitness site going to change your mind? I hope so, because I don't think you need the op. But if not, and you are absolutely sure changing it will make you happy, then go for it. Life is too short to spend worrying about something as trivial as a nose.