Anybody Run!

Hi my name is Chris. I started my weight loss journey in March of 2015. Since then I've lost as much as 130 lbs. I credit the majority of my weight lose to running. I started slow of course but now I run 4 to 5 miles during the work week and occasional 10 mile run on the weekend. I'm looking for other friends that have a passion for running and also for occasional advice since I still consider myself a novice to the sport. Please feel free to add me.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    Definitely another novice runner - same boat as you: shorter runs during the work week, longer runs on the weekends. Been slacking in the run department lately... I've been lucky to get 2 runs in during the work week, and I Haven't done a long run at all this weekend thanks to the weather. I'm hoping it clears enough by this afternoon for me to get out. Otherwise, I'm going to attack the running this week and try to start being more consistent.

    Congrats on the weight loss! Sending a friend request, as you can't have too many runner-friends. I love seeing running updates.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Hi, I'm obsessed with all things running!

    Lots of the MFP runners hang out in the Monthly Running Challenge threads. We have a great community.

    October's thread is here:

    Pop in and introduce yourself, set a monthly mileage goal, and update us on your running!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I started couch to 5k around this time last year and now consider myself a runner. my routine when the mornings are light enough, is a 40 minute run twice a week first thing, then am building up mileage at the weekend. I haven't run for a couple of weeks so the 6 miler I did yesterday was tough.

    I have also joined a running club who run one evening a week, which now means head torches, leaping across woodland and fields. Nothing better on a pleasant evening but will let you know how that feels come proper winter!!!

    Now the mornings are darker I'm switching to strength training as a focus, with only the odd run (club run and a weekend run probably). I've heard good results in running can be had by strength training in an 'off-season'.

    I am aiming for a coastal path half marathon in the spring and then who knows?