Wrist pain when doing barbell rows

Whenever I've been doing barbell rows I've felt this pain in my right wrist. Its not when I'm actually lifting, I can do my set fine but when I put the bar down I get a shooting pain near my thumb/wrist area and I dont want to be adding on weight until I've resolved this


  • John55223
    John55223 Posts: 1 Member
    Go see a doctor. You shouldn't take medical advice from anyone on the internet.

    Your form may be a part of why you are experiencing the pain, but anything said here 's speculation. Go see a doctor.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Interesting. Have you tried using straps. Maybe gripping the bar is causing it? Maybe try underhand rows. I've only had forearm pain from trying to max on rows. So I'm just guessing here. If it doesn't improve, I'd go to a PT and see if they can figure something out.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    Do you keep your wrist straight? Too much flexion is not good.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Do you keep your wrist straight? Too much flexion is not good.

    Or possibly too narrow of a grip on the bar.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Pain = stop.
    Pain = see a doctor.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Do you keep your wrist straight? Too much flexion is not good.

    Sounds like of bent wrist flex to me.

    Only way you could experience pain from the thumb if it is bent under the bar w/the wrist flexed in descent. Top of the wrists should be even w/the arms and the fingers should be cupped under the bar pressing it against the flessy part of your palm w/your thumb placed on top of your index and middle fingers (unless you're using a hook grip, which is an entirely different matter).

    Watch your right wrist on the descent to see if you're doing this or not. If not, your wrists will be bent w/your thumb under the bar in a carpal tunnel position which is probably where the pain is coming from.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    With your right hand, tuck your thumb into your fist and tip your fist forward like your holding a fishing pole. If that is painful at all, get to a doc or OT.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Try them with a thumbless grip and use wrist straps (and keep your wrists straight as mentioned)
  • blopmiyers
    blopmiyers Posts: 195 Member
    Thumbless grip + wider grip seems to have done the trick. Thanks!