Weighing technique :)

What technique do you use? Once a week? Every day? Do you move the scales round the house to get a better reading? Any routines or rituals? Do you always take the first reading? Do you have to weigh 3 times and take the average lol :)


  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Every few days, I wake up, use the restroom, strip down completely naked (even jewelry), place my scale in the same spot in my bathroom mat and weigh myself. You don't have to be obsessive, just try and do it the same time of the day with the scale on the same surface.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'm confused by your use of the word technique. By using it you are implying there is some mystical way to get the best numbers. The scale is a guide you shouldn't be out to use the best "technique" to get the best numbers. You get the numbers by being consistent and putting the work in. The numbers aren't made on the scale but in your body. Just be consistent with your weighing and do what works for you but remember it's just a guide.
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    Every few days, I wake up, use the restroom, strip down completely naked (even jewelry), place my scale in the same spot in my bathroom mat and weigh myself. You don't have to be obsessive, just try and do it the same time of the day with the scale on the same surface.

    Ditto ! I do it on Fridays and Mondays. !
  • JessMahoney1
    JessMahoney1 Posts: 86 Member
    Once a week (Fridays), Same room & Place, 1 Reading, 1st thing in the morning before any food has been eaten, With Light clothing on
  • KimJohn2013
    I weigh myself 1st thing in the morning before breakfast with minimum clothing on, i do this 2 times a week, i do this in the same room and the same spot on the floor
  • Mutterz
    Mutterz Posts: 31 Member
    Maybe I posted this in the wrong section, it was just meant to be a bit of fun, like what little quirks you have when weighing
  • Kanlassak
    Kanlassak Posts: 101 Member
    I have a cheap analog scale, so to get an accurate reading, I make sure my toes go all the way to the front of the scale, bend my knees slightly and lean forward to where it shows the maximum for that position. Otherwise it can read off by up to 15lbs.
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I weigh myself Monday mornings in socks. My scale stays in the same place all week (my basement concrete floor) and is an even hard surface that won't cause the scale to rock back and forth causing incorrect readings.
  • phieaglefan
    phieaglefan Posts: 107 Member
    Okay, I'm a bit obsessed. I'm admitting it so please don't scold :)

    I weigh twice a day. Once before I work out in just my undies as I'm changing into my workout clothes. At this point, I've had a glass of water and a cup of coffee only.

    Then, after my workout, I weigh completely naked as I'm getting in the shower. Most days, there is a 1 lb difference (less after workout) but it can be up to 2 pounds. I count the first reading as 'official' and do the second one just for fun.
  • nicolaturner1986
    nicolaturner1986 Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh the same time every week wearing the same (or similar) clothes on the same scales x
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    I weigh myself fist thing in the morning, sans clothing. I only record my weight once a week but daily weigh ins are habit for me. Keeps me aware of how yesterday can effect today.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    Every Saturday morning, first thing after morning ablutions. Naked. On the same square of flooring in the kitchen (my bathroom floor is really uneven). With the blinds firmly shut so I don't scare the neighbours! :laugh:

    I used to take 3 readings and go with the repeated one, but now I have new scales, all 3 readings would be the same so don't have to worry about it! :smile:
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    Monday morning just before I get in the shower. I can't have eaten or drank anything. I have to go potty first and can't be wearing anything. The scale is an analog scale in the bathroom right next to the shower. I take one reading.

    If I eat/drink first, I'll skip the weigh-in and wait until the next day.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I have a very exact technique to weighing. I dress up in my clown costume, drink a huge amount of water, then stand on my head and kick my legs like a swimming frog. As the scale bounces, I guess as to what it says.

    Just kidding. I'm really boring, no clothes before my shower, once a week.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    I lay on the floor and balance the scales on my feet :laugh:
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I wear a bra to lighten my pecs.
  • jpmill79
    jpmill79 Posts: 74 Member
    FIRST thing in the morning.....AFTER I pee, get naked(before showering) and i always weigh 3 times and take the lower of the three. :)
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I weigh myself fist thing in the morning, sans clothing. I only record my weight once a week but daily weigh ins are habit for me. Keeps me aware of how yesterday can effect today.

    I do the same!
  • J_Schmelz
    J_Schmelz Posts: 11 Member
    Every morning I wake up, use the restroom, and get naked. Then I weight myself and log it in an app called "WeightRecord." I find mornings to be the most accurate time because they aren't skewed by dinner or other variables.

    Studies show that people who weigh themselves daily tend to lose weight more successfully than those who weigh themselves less frequently. I recommend weighing yourself daily. It will motivate you to eat healthy for that day and stick to your fitness routine.

    Check out this study, read the abstract.

  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I got tired of being a slave to the scale, so now I depend more on how my clothes fit, how I feel, etc. So, I only weigh once a month at the most. First thing in the morning, preferably after a big cup of coffee and a trip to the loo, nekkid.